Story Mountain
We were super impressed with our Story Mountain for the Worst Witch today. We worked together to think about the features of a story including the introduction, build up, problem, resolution and the ending. We listened carefully to the story and participated in group discussion. This is something…
We’re going on a shape hunt!
Today we have enjoyed going on a shape hunt! Firstly, we named all of the shapes that we know using our flash cards. We then identified these shapes in our environment, discovering that they were the shape of lots of our everyday items! We also talked about how many sides each of our shapes…
Paper Weaving
Today we used our cutting and fine motor skills to create weave paper. We found it tricky at first but once we got the hang of it the results were fantastic.
Forming our names
Today we enjoyed searching for all of the letters in our names on the bottle lids and putting them in order to spell our names. We then used the paper to form the letters in our name - we have been practicing doing this using in beautiful handwriting using the correct letter formation!
some of…
Forming our names
Today we enjoyed searching for all of the letters in our names on the bottle lids and putting them in order to spell our names. We then used the paper to form the letters in our name - we have been practicing doing this using in beautiful handwriting using the correct letter formation!
some of…
All hail Macbeth, King of Scotland!
We used freeze-frames to practise our acting skills and we put those to use to bring the banquet for Macbeth to life! We had some brilliant, budding actors and actresses who shone throughout their roleplay. Well done Whales, your confidence increased throughout the lesson. We are so proud of you…
Stone Age hunter-gatherers
We’ve been learning about hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age and had to work out which items of food were hunted and which items were gathered by our human ancestors.
Exploring emotions
We have been exploring emotions and using our group working skills, we sorted the emotions into positive and negative categories. We discussed why we had put particular emotions in a category.
Planting cress seeds
Today we had great fun planting cress seeds! We talked about the different things that plants need to grow before we began. Then, we created our own name labels to stick on our pots and went on to follow step by step instructions in order to plant the cress seeds. We talked about the most…
Our new members
Ducklings have had a very exciting week this week! We welcomed 5 new members to our class - Colin, Kelly, Kim, Benjamin and Betty our real life caterpillars! We can't wait to watch them grow, change and experience the life cycle of a caterpillar first hand!
Wonderful weaving!
Today Puffins did some fantastic weaving, creating an under the sea placemat, making their own weft and carefully weaving strips of paper through the weft. Amazing efforts all around!
Amazing summarising of our new text!
Year 5 Dolphins really enjoyed investigating our new text 'Varjak Paw' by SF Said this week. We used our summarising skills to find the main points of each chapter, before bullet pointing them into a list.