Our school start time is 8:50am for all children in Reception to Year 6.
The school day starts at 9:00am. After this time children will be marked as late on the register.
We do offer a Breakfast Club which opens at 8:00am - 8:50am. There is a £2 charge payable via the school money app. Please ring the school office for more details.
Nursery and Reception children finish their day at 3:20pm.
Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 finish at 3:30pm. This equates to the 32.5 hours per week expectation that has been recommended by the government.
Please ensure prompt arrival and collection.
If, on the odd occasion, you are running late, please notify the school office as a late charge may be applied to children who are picked up after 3:40pm.
After school clubs run throughout the year. These will be advised as they change on a termly basis. Our after school clubs finish at 4:20pm.
There is an independent wrap around care provision that operates very close to our school. This provision finishes at 6pm.