Through our computing curriculum at Waterside Primary School we aim to give our pupils the life-skills that will enable them to embrace and utilise new technology in a socially responsible and safe way in order to flourish. We want our pupils to be able to operate in the 21st century workplace and we want them to know the career opportunities that will be open to them if they study computing. We want children to become autonomous, independent users of computing technologies, gaining confidence and enjoyment from their activities. We want the use of technology to support learning across the entire curriculum and to ensure that our curriculum is accessible to every child. Not only do we want them to be digitally literate and competent end-users of technology but through our computer science lessons we want them to develop creativity, resilience and problem-solving and critical thinking skills. We want our pupils to have a breadth of experience to develop their understanding of themselves as individuals within their community but also as members of a wider global community and as responsible digital citizens.
Computing Leader: Mr Grocott
At Waterside, computing is taught in discreet computing lessons. The computing curriculum is delivered through Purple Mash. Every lesson in the scheme has been individually planned so that it can be effectively taught using the infrastructure we have in place at school and so that it can meet the needs of all our pupils. The scheme has been closely referenced against the 2014 National Curriculum attainment targets in order to ensure progression and coverage. Having discreet lessons means that the children are able to develop depth in their knowledge and skills over the duration of each of their computing topics. Where appropriate, meaningful links will be made between the computing curriculum at the wider curriculum. In computing lessons the children will use either the IPads or laptops e in order to access a range of apps and software. Discreet computing lessons will focus on the curriculum skills of information technology, digital literacy and computer science.
Computing Curriculum
Computing Curriculum Progression
As well as teaching our children the National curriculum objectives to succeed in Computing, the resources available to us allow us to go much deeper by branching into other areas such as; Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development.
Below you can find a PDF that details all the different topics our curriculum supports and the ways in which it supports them.
Computing Curriculum maps
Using Purple Mash to support SMSC