Today we have included capital letters, fingers spaces and full stops to compose sentences for our class text ‘The Enormous Turnip’. Some children edited incorrect sentences that address common misconceptions and mistakes. We also had groups of children that listened to verbal sentences from a…
Colourful watercolours!
We have focused on the artist Paul Klee and learnt how his art was inspired by his travels to Tunisia in Africa. He enjoyed the bright bold colours and shapes all around him and used this within his work. We used one of his pieces as our inspiration and imitated his work using bold colours and…
Exploring Our Sense of Touch to Describe Textures
Exploring Textures!
We used our sense of touch to feel and describe different textures. We have been learning lots of new vocabulary around materials and it was great to hear the children using these. Based on how it felt we had to guess our resources
Book Talk
We loved looking through the picture books with Miss Mayer. We looked only at the illustrations and this allowed us to think of our own ideas, describe what we can see and engage in extended conversations around books. Working within small groups we told each other what we could see and this led…
Independent Learning!
Independent Learning.
In nursery we learn through our play and we love exploring and engaging in new activities each week. The children guide their own learning and this supports building on prior knowledge and extending their knowledge.
We have been developing fine motor skills with play…
Exploring Tools
We explored different tools, we looked at what different marks they make and talked about what they look like and linked this to textures. We then chose which ones were our favourite, we used this tool to decorate our own bear.
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Today we went on a sensory bear hunt where we took our shoes off and walked through some of the scenes from our topic story “we’re going on a bear hunt” the children were able to feel the textures of the material on their feet, we talked about how each one felt, for example, the grass felt “soft”…
More and Fewer
In maths we have been learning ‘more and fewer’. The children were identifying different amounts practically and through images and using the language of more/fewer independently.
We then practised making more and fewer with the ladybirds.
The children have been practising all week in provision…
Rocket fruit!
We have been learning about instructions and what we need to include in a good set of instructions. Today we have followed a set of instructions to make rocket fruit skewers! Yum!
On Monday, it was our Red2Blue morning! As part of our morning, we painted some red ladybugs onto a blue leaf to represent how when we are in our red headspace it creates a feeling similar to a ladybug being stuck on its back unable to turn around. Y6 Whales produced some wonderful…
What causes rainbows?
This week in Science, we have considered the question ‘What causes rainbows?’ We found out that rainbows are caused when light travels from one state of matter to another causing the colours of light to separate! We observed this in class too in which we used a prism and torch to make a rainbow.…
Independent Learning ⭐
Independent learning.
We have loved coming back to school and seeing our friends. We have jumped straight back into routine, following our classroom rules and exploring new areas.
Most of all we have enjoyed playing with our friends and talking about our holidays.