Image of WC06.02.23
6 February 2023


Take a look below at this weeks blog to see all the fantastic learning that has taken place this week.

On Monday, we didn't have a Grammar lesson as this was our opportunity to edit and revise our independent writes. I was beyond impressed with the standard of writing from Y4 Manatees and…

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6 February 2023

WB 6.2.23

This week, we started to look at toys and really enjoyed talking about our favourite toys at home! Using our drawing and name writing skills, we created an invitation asking our toys to come into school and on Friday, we brought these toys into school for a picnic! We really enjoyed showing them…

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6 February 2023

WB 06.02.23

What another busy week, I can’t quite believe how fast this term is going.


We have completed another brilliant independent write where we wrote a letter to Mr Bumble persuading him to change the work house conditions. The children had some very imaginative ideas of how he could do…

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6 February 2023

WB 06.02.23

This week, we have been learning about the difference between past and present. We looked at our local area in the present and compared this to how it used to look in the past. We discussed the pottery industry in Stoke-on-Trent, including the use of bottle kilns in the pottery-making process.…

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6 February 2023

WB 06.02.2023

This week in Jellyfish we started the week with an assembly to introduce Children's Mental Health week. This year it is all about 'lets connect'. At Waterside we all learnt a song and a dance to help us connect with our emotions through music. 


On Tuesday we completed an edit of our…

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6 February 2023

W/C 06.02.23


this week in English the children have been focusing on writing poetry – specifically acrostic poems. To begin the week the children focused on finding the features of an acrostic poem, including the title, the word written vertically down the side, and the sentences that link to the…

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6 February 2023

W/B 06/02/23

We have written an internal monologue from Auggie’s perspective, detailing the internal conflict he experienced during Halloween.

We have learnt about the radius, diameters and circumference of circles this week. We showed great understanding in this topic and were determined to get to…

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6 February 2023

W.B 06/02/23

What a great week we've had! Only 1 more week until our half term break! We have got non-uniform next Friday to support those effected by the earthquakes in Turkey so we are asking for a donation and the children can come in their own clothes. 

In English this week we have continued writing our…

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6 February 2023


This week we have been looking at our Local community in the past, there is so much we have looked at! We started with discussing the bottle kilns as this was the children's favourite thing to talk about. They loved looking at old images and videos of how the bottle kilns were used and how…

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6 February 2023



On Monday, we had an opportunity to edit and revise our independent writes. I was beyond impressed with the standard of writing from Y4 Stingrays. Well done Stingrays! On Tuesday, we were introduced to our next independent write which will be a narrative retell in third person. We…

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6 February 2023


In English this week, we have bee looking at cinquain poems.  We have planned our cinquain poem about Winter and then become poets and written our own poems, containing several verses.  At the end of the week, we enjoyed acting out our cinquain poems to the rest of the class, using expression and…

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6 February 2023


What an amazing week we have had in Seal Class this week. The children have been working hard in all areas of their learning and wowing me with their recall of key information learned. 

In English this week, the children have been focusing on writing poetry – specifically acrostic poems. To…

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