Image of Eid -Al-Fitr
21 April 2023

Eid -Al-Fitr

This week we learnt all about the Islamic Festival Eid-Al-Fitr. We created a lantern design and wrote acrostic poems to recognise and learn more about this important festival. For those who are celebrating Eid this week, we wish you all a very Happy Eid

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Image of New Class Text!
21 April 2023

New Class Text!

This week, Y4 have been introduced to their brand new Class Text 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. Y4 are really enjoying this adventure story so far. We can't wait to find out more about Lila's inspirational journey to Mount Merapi! 

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Image of Seeing double!
20 April 2023

Seeing double!

We’ve been looking at lines of symmetry in maths and applying this knowledge to 2D shapes.

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Image of Puffins, witches and writing!
20 April 2023

Puffins, witches and writing!

Puffins were excited to listen to the first chapter of our new story which is our writing focus for this half-term.   We encountered Mildred, Maud and Miss Hardbroom.   We’re looking forward to finding out what really happens at Miss Cackle’s Academy for Witches.

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Image of Nursery Ducklings Observational Flower Pictures
20 April 2023

Nursery Ducklings Observational Flower Pictures

This week we have been talking about Spring and the different signs of Spring. One that we discussed was the fact that lots of flowers start to grow in Spring. On our creative table we enjoyed drawing observational pictures of a bunch of flowers. Our pictures were amazing!

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Image of Y5 Narwhals - Looking at vocabulary in our reading text
18 April 2023

Y5 Narwhals - Looking at vocabulary in our reading text

Y5 Narwhals hit the ground running on their first day back with some new vocabulary from their reading text!

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Image of Year 1 Geography- Physical features of the countryside
18 April 2023

Year 1 Geography- Physical features of the countryside

Wow! Year 1 were absolutely amazed by the images of the countryside when learning about the physical features, such as valleys, forests, fields and mountains. They were able to recall and rehearse their new knowledge before applying it independently to their own task. Year 1 were able to label…

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16 April 2023

Welcome Back! 16.04.23

Welcome Back! I hope that you have all had a wonderful break over the past 2 weeks and are ready for the term ahead.  The Summer Term is always a busy term in school with Year 6 and Year 2 SATs, phonics screening, school productions, trips and of course lots of learning. This half term we have 2…

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6 April 2023

Week Beginning: 27/02/23

In our English learning this week, we began by learning the correct way to use of hyphens when joining prefixes to a route word beginning with a vowel, for example, re-examine and co-ordinate.

We then moved onto our new writing genre, journalistic writing. We investigated the expected features…

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4 April 2023



What is Dyslexia? 

Dyslexia covers a wide range of difficulties and it is unique for each individual. It causes difficulty in the skills needed for learning to read, spell and write; but it is much more than that. It can also cause issues with organisation or forgetting what someone…

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4 April 2023

Mental Health

Mental Health 

This week has been an important week in school for Social, emotional and mental health as it has been Children's Mental Health week.  Mental health affects around 1 out of 10 children and young people, and can be seen in many different ways.  It is important as a school that we…

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4 April 2023



This week have had the pleasure of looking through the children's books, and I was blown away by the progress that your children are making.  They are growing in confidence and this is clear to see in their learning.  Many children are now accessing their year group curriculum and…

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