4 April 2023

What is Inclusion?

What is Inclusion? 

I often get asked the question - What is Inclusion? Inclusion in it's simplest terms in Education is where all children are provided with an equal education despite of their individual needs. At Waterside, Inclusion seamlessly weaves through our school and is embedded in all…

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27 March 2023

Week beginning 27/03/23

A super final spring term week of learning in Dolphin Class!

Our English learning has seen us continue with our investigations of 'The Highwayman' by Alfred Noyes. We began the week by polishing up out modal verbs understanding, before then working on our planning for an alternative…

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Image of WC27.03.23
27 March 2023


The final week of our second Spring term has finally arrived. It has already been a super busy week with Y3 and Y4 preparing for their performance of ‘What’s the Crime Mr Wolf?’ We are all so excited to watch the children perform as they have worked so hard to prepare for this performance. We hope…

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27 March 2023

WB 27.3.23

What a fantastic week we have had in Nursery this week! We have enjoyed talking about Easter and learning all about The Easter Story, as well as thinking about how Easter and Spring relate to each other. We were able to use The Easter Story to promote lots of good discussion and show our story…

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27 March 2023


In our English lessons, we have discussed the importance of planning and how this skill is necessary throughout our lives. Sharks then chose their own method to plan for their alternative perspective narrative, retelling ‘Wonder’.

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27 March 2023


This week in Duck class we have been looking at how people celebrate Easter. We took part in lots of different activities such as decorating eggs, learning about the Easter Story, traditional foods such as hot cross buns and chocolate eggs.It has been a very busy week and we wanted to…

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27 March 2023



This week in writing we moved on to our new genre of narrative writing. We discussed features which make narrative writing engaging, before discussing the features of ‘building suspense and tension’ in more detail, we discussed how ‘show not tell’ can make our writing more engaging and…

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23 March 2023

WB 27.03.23


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21 March 2023

Week beginning 21/03/23

A super week of learning in Dolphin Class!

Our learning in English this week has seen us investigate narrative poetry. We began the week by sharing and discussing ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. We read and discussed the epic events, discussing the character’s feelings and emotions.  There…

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20 March 2023

Week Beginning: 20/03/23

Our learning in English this week has seen us looking at narrative poetry. We began the week by sharing and discussing ‘The Highwayman’ by Alfred Noyes. We read and discussed the epic events, discussing the character’s feelings and emotions.  There were some mature themes and behaviours discussed…

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20 March 2023

Week 25 - 20.03.23

In English this week we have been focusing on writing a letter based on the story of Lost and Found. First we we kept the features of a letter before we then went on to creating a plan together. From this plan we wrote the introduction of our letter to the birds to tell them the penguin was safe…

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Image of WC20.03.23
20 March 2023


This week Y4 have completed their NFER assessments and I could not be more proud of them. This class continue to impress me and it has been truly wonderful to see how they have flourished and progressed. They have shown great resilience and determination to be the absolute best they can be. Take a…

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