6 March 2023

WB 6.3.23

What an exciting week we have had in Nursery! We have been looking at Police Officers in our topic People who help us and we had a shock on Wednesday when we came into our classroom and discovered that it was in a big mess! We were not sure what happened so had to become police detectives and…

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6 March 2023

WB 06/03/23


This week we carried on working on our non- chronological reports about Victorian Britain. We researched what life would be like in Victorian times focusing on their houses, what they would have worn and the food they would have ate. The children were fascinated in the differences…

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6 March 2023

WB 06.03.23

This week, we have been learning all about minibeasts. We looked at many common minibeasts that can be found in our gardens, and made observations about their features, including how many legs and wings they have. The children have enjoyed exploring minibeasts further in our ‘Minibeast…

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6 March 2023

W/c 06.03.23

What a wonderful but snowy week we have had this week! Although it was a bit of a distraction, the children have really enjoyed the snow and was still super focused on their learning.


This week in English we have worked on retelling the story of lost and found. To begin the week we…

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6 March 2023

W/B 06/03/23

In English this week we have continued working on our Paddington re-tell but this time, using our imagination to change the setting in our story. Instead of meeting Paddington in a train station, we decided Mr and Mrs Brown would meet him in an airport. Many of us had visited an airport before so…

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6 March 2023


In our Writing lessons this week, we have culminated our learning into writing a formal letter. This is addressed to Mr Tushman from the novel Wonder, and the children wrote as the character Jack Will. We used techniques re-visited over the past few lessons, including subjunctive form, perfect…

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6 March 2023


This week has been a very cold and snowy week but Stingrays have produced some fantastic learning, find out more below.


In Grammar this week, we have focused on using apostrophes to mark possession. This has been a particularly tricky skill to master especially when considering both…

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6 March 2023


In English lessons this week, we have been using conjunctions to extend our sentences and looking at alternative vocabulary to use to write an alternative setting to our story.  We have discussed various nouns, adjectives and adverbs to describe our new setting - at an airport, instead of at a…

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6 March 2023


This week we have been learning about Minibeasts and their habitats. The children have loved learning about the different minibeasts we can find in our garden and have independently gone to look for these minibeasts in our outdoor area. We have identified what we could see and looked at a…

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6 March 2023



This week in English Year 6 have  written a formal letter to persuade, using formal, letter writing features such as; formal language, perfect form and subjunctive form aswell as general letter writing features such as the salutation, name and address of the recipient, the date and a…

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27 February 2023

Week beginning 27/02/23

A brilliant week of learning in Dolphin Class!

In our English learning this week, we began by investigating the correct use of hyphens when joining prefixes to a route word beginning with a vowel, for example, re-examine and co-ordinate.  we learnt that the meaning of the prefix can affect the…

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27 February 2023

Week 22 - W/C 27.02.23

Well I can’t believe we are in Spring Term 2 already. What an amazing first week we have had!

This week we introduced our new value of the half term. The focus value is inspiration. We talked about what this meant and how we could be an inspiration and show inspiration as well as talking about…

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