This is the bear…
We have had a walk to the local park and taken the bear with us. We had lots of fun and so did the bear! When we got back to School, we realised that we had left the bear at the park! Oh no!
High level Vocabulary!
This week in writing we have been focussing on using high level vocabulary to uplevel our work!
Third person retell
We have been very impressed this week with the independent writes Year 5 have produced, they have used some fantastic high level vocabulary!
My Family
This week we have been learning all about our families. Who is in our family?
We drew pictures from memory and with the support of some images from home of who is part of our family.
We learnt everybody’s family is different.
Super sentences!
We have had lots of practise using capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and using our phonetical knowledge so today we have applied it to writing super words/sentences for our class text ‘This is the bear and the scary night’.
Understanding paragraphs!
This week in writing, year 5 have been focussing on understanding what paragraphs are and how to use them; to make our writing more cohesive, by grouping ideas together.
This is the bear…
We have begun our new class text called ‘This is the bear and the scary night’
We have enjoyed using actions and phrase to retell the story during our Talk For Writing lesson. Look at the story map we have created together as a class!
High level vocabulary!
In writing this week, we have been focussing on using high level vocabulary to describe the tower in Rumaysa. We have created some fantastic vocabulary word banks!
Narrative writing!
This week in Writing, we have started a new genre of writing. We will be preparing to write a third person retell. We started the week looking at the features of a third person retell and then later on in the week we shall be exploring different pieces of vocabulary we could use in our…
Character description
This week in writing, Year 5 have been writing a character description based on their text, Rumaysa. We have been focussing on using high level vocabulary to describe.
Scrambled Sentences!
As we have focussed on sentence structure and the importance of punctuation, we have unscrambled sentences from Goldilocks and the Three Bears to write using finger spaces.
Capital Letters Carousel!
We have been working on the importance of sentence structure to include the correct punctuation. Today we have focused on capital letters - identifying and matching the upper case and lower case letters.