Image of Fascinating facts!
8 November 2023

Fascinating facts!

Today we researched lots of wonderful facts about hedgehogs to help us with our non chronological report. We focused on their appearance, diet and habitat. We even found some fascinating wow facts too. 

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Image of Features of non chronological reports
7 November 2023

Features of non chronological reports

Today we worked together to identify the features of a non-chronological report. We also identified the Year 2 skills to be included. 

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Image of Active or passive voice
6 November 2023

Active or passive voice

Year 6 have learnt about active and passive voice, and the skill of being able to recognise the object, verb and subject in a sentence.

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Image of Wonderful writing!
13 October 2023

Wonderful writing!

This week Year 4 have started their new text 'Charlotte's Web'. We have had some insightful discussions when discussing the book, and have created role on the walls for our main characters to understand their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Towards the end of the week, we acted out some of our…

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Image of Listen to your conscience
12 October 2023

Listen to your conscience

Year 6 showed their understanding of Isabella’s thoughts as she breaks a promise made to her best friend, inspired by our class text ‘The Girl of Ink and Stars’.

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Image of Marvellous Modal Verbs!
29 September 2023

Marvellous Modal Verbs!

In Grammar this week, Y6 have learnt all about modal verbs and how they can be used in different ways. We explored how modal verbs can be used to indicate possibility, ability, permission or obligation. Y6 did amazing in this lesson and even completed some tricky SATS questions all about modal…

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Image of Exciting Emotions
27 September 2023

Exciting Emotions

Today we learned about different emotions in our story. We learned lots of new vocabulary and come up with actions and facial expressions to explain their meaning. We then thought about how Hansel and Gretel would feel at the different parts in our story ready for our re-tell next week! 

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Image of Pre writing shapes
26 September 2023

Pre writing shapes

Today we practiced our pre writing shapes. This will help us to develop our writing skills and helps to ensure we know how to hold our pencil properly. We love writing in reception!

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Image of Feature Finding
26 September 2023

Feature Finding

We were excited today to use our yellow highlighters in Writing! We were on the hunt for features we would find in a Narrative. We learned about using cliffhangers for suspense and dialogue to show what they characters were saying. After searching we made our own writing checklist which we will…

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Image of Super setting descriptions
15 September 2023

Super setting descriptions

Sharks class identified features of setting descriptions by text marking and annotating many WAGOLLs before creating our own checklist of an effective setting description.

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Image of Pre-Writing Shapes ✏
14 September 2023

Pre-Writing Shapes ✏

Today we showed Miss Mayer how we hold our pencils and how many of the pre-writing shapes we can complete. This is something we will be working on over the year as it will help us in so many ways. When colouring we will learn new types of lines to represent objects. people and animals and it will…

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Image of Drawing Time!
11 September 2023

Drawing Time!

We loved free colouring today! We could choose to draw anything we wanted. Miss Mayer was super impressed with how many colours we knew and how we could communicate our interests. We looked at what hand the crayons felt comfortable in and how we correctly hold a pencil/crayon.

Well done…

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