Image of WB 26.09.22
26 September 2022

WB 26.09.22

This week, we continued our topic All About Me and focused on discussing our hobbies and interests. To support our learning, we read the text Incredible You. We spoke about how we are all unique and have our own interests and hobbies that make us incredible! We drew pictures of our…

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Image of WB 19.09.22
19 September 2022

WB 19.09.22

This week, we have been learning all about our feelings and emotions. We discussed what emotions are and spoke about the different emotions we feel. 

We read 'The Colour Monster' to support our learning. We related what we read in the book to our own personal experiences, for example, thinking…

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Image of WB 12.09.22
12 September 2022

WB 12.09.22

Welcome to Swan Class!

We have had a fantastic first week of Reception! We have had lots of fun exploring our classroom and outdoor area, making new friends and settling into our routines. I am very proud of how well the children have settled - they have shown tremendous courage and…

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