5 September 2022
WB 5.09.22
Welcome to our Nursery blog, each week our blog will be updated with this weeks learning with a variety of text and pictures and you will also be able to see our classroom provision each week as it develops and changes.
What an amazing first few days we have had, It has been lovely getting to…
5 September 2022
In English, we created scenes from our class text, ‘The Girl of Ink and Stars’.
In Geography, we found the Amazon using maps, atlases and digital mapping.
5 September 2022
W/C 05.09.22
Welcome back to school and a new year of learning. I am so excited to have you in my class this year and make lots of memories together as we develop, grow and learn all things new. It's going to be a fun filled year with lots of adventures and excitement. I can't wait to start our journey…