Welcome back! I hope everyone had a lovely, restful break over half term. This week we have settled back in with our learning quickly, take a look below to find out more.


On Tuesday we were introduced to our new class text 'Charlotte's web', we explored the front cover, using our retrieval skills to come up with some thoughtful predictions about who the main characters and the setting were. We expanded on this by looking at context clues and discussing what life would be like as a farmer in Maine in the 1930-1950s. On Wednesday, we began reading our text and being introduced to the characters Fern and Wilbur, considering their thoughts, feelings, and actions creating a 'Role on the Wall`. This week we have shown determination when learning high-level context-specific vocabulary to enable us to write complex sentences.


In Maths this week, we moved our learning to understand how to calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes. The children were able to approach these maths challenges with confidence by accessing their prior knowledge of finding missing lengths and finding the perimeter. We then recapped this in Arithmetic the next day to ensure we were secure and corrected any mistakes made. On Wednesday we learned all about turns and angles. Y4 Stingrays showed great determination during this lesson moving through their maths challenges from copper to platinum, working in pairs to attempt questions together, and combining their thoughts. 


In Science, we started our brand new topic of 'Electricity`. The children displayed a lot of enthusiasm towards this topic in our DT lessons when we were informed we were going to be designing and making our very own battery-operated torches. This week we learned about what electricity is, discussing how we use electricity in our homes. We thoroughly enjoyed learning that we have electricity in our body as the brain gives out electrical signals. Creating static electricity was our favorite rubbing a balloon against our hair and watching our hair go crazy!  

This week has gone very quickly for Stingrays but some fantastic learning has taken place which the children should all be very proud of. We will see you back on Monday, have a nice weekend.

Miss Olenczuk and Miss Robers :)