30 January 2023



In Grammar this week, we recapped the different types of fronted adverbials (time, place, reason and manner) to help us to use a wide range in our writing. Stingrays were very good at identifying and distinguishing between the different types, I was very impressed!

In Writing this…

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23 January 2023


I would just like to start this weeks blog by congratulating Stingrays on their attendance this week, showing determination and enthusiasm to be in school everyday! Well done Stingrays!!! 


In Grammar this week we have focused on the skill of using verb inflections. We learnt how to…

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16 January 2023



This week in Grammar we looked at the difference between direct and reported speech. We discussed how we can use both forms of speech in our diary entry but have to make sure, our writing does not turn into a recount. In writing this week, we have continued to prepare for our…

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9 January 2023



In Grammar this week we learnt all about informal and formal language to enable us to understand the style of writing used in a diary entry. We learned that formal language has a more serious tone compared to informal language which has a more relaxed, chatty tone. The children enjoyed…

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2 January 2023


Welcome back and Happy New Year! It has been lovely to welcome the children back this week, despite it being only a three-day week we are extremely proud of how Stingrays have all come back with a great attitude toward their learning! 


In writing this week we have started our brand…

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Image of WC 28.11.22
28 November 2022

WC 28.11.22

This week has been slightly different due to NFER assessments but Stingrays have shown great flexibility and hard work in adapting to our different routines. Well done Stingrays!


This week in Maths on Thursday we focussed on multiplying three numbers together. The children found this…

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21 November 2022

WC 21.11.22


For Grammar this week, we have focused on using past perfect tense. We found this rather challenging to use the 'auxiliary verb 'had' alongside a conjunction. On Tuesday we showed resilience and were able to use our prior knowledge to write our very first independent write paragraph in…

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14 November 2022

WC 14.11.22

What another fabulous week of learning in Stingrays class!

I would like starrt by sayig thank you to all of the parents and adults who attended the Parent Consultations on Tuesday, it was a pleasure to be able to dicuss your child's learning, progress, and next steps. 


For our…

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Image of WC 07.11.22
7 November 2022

WC 07.11.22

This week has been a special week, Stingrays took part in a 2-minute silence as a mark of respect on Friday 11th November as we remembered Remembrance Day. To remember those who fought in war we produced some beautiful pieces of Remembrance Artwork, painting a watercolour backwash and adding…

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Image of WC 31.10.22
31 October 2022

WC 31.10.22

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a lovely, restful break over half term. This week we have settled back in with our learning quickly, take a look below to find out more.


On Tuesday we were introduced to our new class text 'Charlotte's web', we explored the front cover, using our…

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Image of 17.10.22
17 October 2022



This week in science we have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the digestive system! We have used key vocabulary such as oesophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, large intestine and small intestine, rectum and anus. The children were able to recall the journey that food takes down our…

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10 October 2022



In Grammar this week we have focussed on writing in the past perfect and past progressive tense. We understand now that past perfect is used to showcase a complete action in the past, whereas the past progressive tense is used to talk about an action that occurred over a period of time…

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