Fantastic Fractions!
In Maths this half term, we are learning all about fractions. This week we have explored adding and subtracting fractions which can be a tricky skill when the numerators and denominators are not the same. Y6 are working hard to build their fluency in this area.
Ordering Numbers
The children have been working very hard to explore numbers 0-3 in depth. We have recited, counted, subitised and now we are ordering the numbers. The children began by reciting numbers in sequence and then we worked together to order them correctly.
In maths this week we have been learning how to subitise amounts up to 3. The children are great at recognising the numerals and we are now recognising regular patterns. We worked with our friends in a group to roll the dice and shout the amount we saw, we then completed an action to match that…
Common Multiples
Today in maths we have looked at finding the common multiples of numbers, as you can see even when we get things wrong we don’t give up, we try again until we figure it out. We’ve also introduced the idea of the ‘lowest common multiple’ and how we can find patterns in sequences to help us find the…
Order of operations
Year 6 have been learning about order of operations in Maths. We have learnt that any calculations in brackets must be completed first!
Awesome Addition
This week in Maths we have been focussing on adding two four digit numbers together with one or more exchange. Year 4 have shown determination in their Maths lessons this week, as at the beginning of the week we found exchanging to be a very tricky method to master. However by the end of the week…
Repeating patterns!
In reception we have been looking at repeating patterns. Today the children had a go at completing a repeating pattern, creating their own repeating pattern and spotting the mistake in a repeating pattern.
We love repeating patterns!
Recognising numbers 0-2
This week we continued to recognise the numbers 0 and 1, we have now been learning about number 2. We recognised the numbers and started to represent them with objects. The children did amazing counting the correct amount of objects to match the numeral.
Maths AL - Comparing 0 and 1.
We have learnt the numerals 0 and 1. All children are confident at recognising the numerals and we have now looked at comparing them. In numbers and patterns the children have been looking at how to represent the numbers in different ways, like with our fingers, objects and dots. We then sorted…
Mental maths
Year 6 have been practicing their times tables when learning about factors, multiples and prime numbers.
All About Zero
This week we have started to learn about numbers, we started with the number 0. The children have been brilliant at recognising the numeral and understanding the value.
We began with reading a story by Kathryn Otoshi called 'Zero'. We then looked at zero represented in the environment and went…