Image of Representing numbers within 3!
15 October 2024

Representing numbers within 3!

Today in maths we have been representing numbers within 3! We are super mathematicians in reception.

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Image of Mathematical vocabulary
15 October 2024

Mathematical vocabulary

We have compared groups of amount using the vocabulary fewer, more and the same. The children used counters, cubes or compare bears to make two groups and then verbally said if the groups were fewer, more or the same - “I have fewer counters than cubes. I have more cubes than counters.” They all…

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Image of Inverse operation
11 October 2024

Inverse operation

This week in Maths, we have been focussing on using the inverse operation to check our answers. This is something Year 5 found quite difficult at first but have shown great resilience within their Maths lessons.

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Image of Number Blocks
11 October 2024

Number Blocks

Today we worked in groups to make number blocks! We recapped the numbers 0 and 1, and incorporated our new number 2. The children did super and they can all recognise numbers 0,1 and are recognising 2 with little support.

We worked together to count out cubes and make up numbers within 2, we…

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Image of One less!
4 October 2024

One less!

We have practically worked out what one less of a given number is using the tens frames and the cubes. We made the number that was written on our tens frame, took one cube away and verbally said what one less of the given number is. 

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Image of Our Emotions
4 October 2024

Our Emotions

This week we have been learning about our emotions through the story ‘The Colour Monster’. We enjoyed reading the story and hearing about the different emotions we may feel. We talked about what things may make us feel a type of way and how we express our feelings. 

We have took part in lots of…

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Image of One more!
1 October 2024

One more!

During Maths, we have practically worked out what is one more than a given number. We have used concrete objects and the tens frames to make our given number, add one more to it and watch our number become larger!

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Image of Zero!
27 September 2024


All About Zero! 

In Numbers and patterns we have looked at the numeral ‘0’ and have been identifying this around our environment. We discussed the value of Zero and could show this with objects, on our hands, and enjoyed listening to the story ‘Zero’ by Kathrine Otoshi. 

Super work…

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Image of Marvellous Maths!
24 September 2024

Marvellous Maths!

Today we have been learning about comparing amounts. We began by identifying which group had 'more', 'fewer' or 'the same'. We then moved onto creating our own amounts, demonstrating our understanding of key vocabulary. Some of us challenged ourselves further to verbally answer reasoning problems,…

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Image of Tricky Maths
20 September 2024

Tricky Maths

This week, in Maths, we have been using our place value knowledge to find 10, 100, 1000, 10,000, and 100,000 more and less than a number.

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Image of Practical Maths!
20 September 2024

Practical Maths!

This week we have been representing numbers and amounts in a variety of ways. During this lesson Year One represented objects practically using counters or bears in a tens frame.

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Image of Marvellous Maths in Sealions- Sorting objects
5 September 2024

Marvellous Maths in Sealions- Sorting objects

Today we have done some excellent maths in Sealion class, we were given a variety of objects which we then had to sort in as many ways as we could. We were able to sort the objects by colour, shape, size and catergory. 

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