Anti-bullying week
As part of anti-bullying week the children have had the chance to design their own odd socks using their own ideas and full creative control.
Children in Need
Look at our amazing outfits to celebrate Children in Need! We enjoyed wearing our Pudsey ears and learning about the charity. Thank you for everybody’s donations.
Children in Need
Today we celebrated Children in Need. We discussed why we are celebrating and how different people celebrate.
The children loved coming to school in yellow, spotty clothes! We loved creating masks, cutting, tracing and taking part in Pudsey activities!
Sporting superstars
Year 6 have started a new topic of ‘Outdoor Activities’. We are learning about using keys when orienteering around the school grounds. The class completed a warm up around our new running track before doing an obstacle course, finding symbols and their word counterparts!
Don’t be a bully! Be a buddy!
Year 2 created some wonderful posters to shout about anti bullying!
Positional language
We learnt that we can use positional language (e.g. in, on, behind, in front) to describe the position of objects. We followed instructions to demonstrate our understanding of this vocabulary. We then used the vocabulary ourselves to describe the position of the teddy bear.
Latin Fun
Today we looked at the link between feminine and masculine nouns and adjectives in Latin! I’m so impressed with how well we’re doing at learning this tricky language.
Hedgehogs, bugs and mud!
Year three, had great fun exploring for bugs, we had some wonderful discussions about why we are now finding less bugs, we all agreed that now it’s getting colder the bugs are hidden or underground to keep warm for the winter.
We got messy with mud, making our paint and made some hedgehogs…
We used the leaves we collected last week to use for spikes on our clay hedgehogs. We knew lots of facts about hedgehogs because we had been learning about them in our English lessons. Ms Barker was very impressed by our knowledge!
Other activities this week included bug hunting and mud…
Anti bullying week!
Today our very creative year 1 children created their very own anti bullying posters and talked about the importance of being kind and friendly.
Our children this week have been empowered by exploring the meaning of bullying and how to STAMP IT OUT!!
Story Time
In our literacy adult Led this week, we have looked closely at one of our treasure books - We're Going on a Bear Hunt. We loved sitting down and listening to the story, we could even join in with familiar words/phrases in the book.
We have been focusing on 2 features of a book - The title and…
Quantity to Number
We recognised all of the numbers 0-3! We then used the leaves to represent the value of the number.
Great work Ducklings!