Parent Information
Parental Concerns
Should you have any concerns around your child's learning, care or support needs then please feel free to discuss these with your child's class teacher. If for any reason you are unhappy or you require additional guidance, then please feel free to ask for the Early Years Leader. An appointment can be booked at the office or your parent details will be taken and I will call you back to arrange a time to meet or we will share in a phone conversation. If further concerns are raised, your concerns will be passed on to the Headteacher.Please see the Complaints Policy for further guidance and support, should you need it. As always we will continue to support parents and children in all aspects of the school life and will offer assistance in issues at home, where possible.
Safeguarding in the EYFS
All safeguarding concerns will be dealt with in a confidential and timely manner. Our staff are trained at Level 1 in safeguarding, with leaders and delegated safeguarding staff receiving an award of Level 2 training. Each staff are DBS checked, with all relevant checks undertaken before taking up employment.
As an when safeguarding concerns arise, they will be taken to the Delegated Safeguarding Lead for that day. This is the headteacher and in her absence a delegated member of staff. All staff are asked to follow the Safeguarding Procedures in school as outlined by the schools and LEA policy. We also ask that if parents are concerned about something they see or hear in, around or near the school, that they come and speak to a member of teaching staff or SLT who will take the approach steps to support them in raising a concern or recording a disclosure. This will then be dealt with in an appropriate way. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility, therefore anyone can raise a concern with the Safeguarding Referral Team. If there are safeguarding concerns linked to staff working in school, these will be referred in to LADO. See Staff Behaviour/Code of Conduct and Whistle Blowing Policy for further guidance.
All information will be recorded confidentially on the schools safeguarding system and will comply with GDPR and locked away accordingly.
Special Educational Needs
How a SENCO could help your child
If your child has a special educational need, the school’s SENCO-Inclusion Leader and Assistant SENCO/Inclusion Lead for EYFS is likely to play a big part in his/her day-to-day life and learning.
What is a SENCO/Inclusion Leader/Assistant Leader?
A SENCO (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) is a teacher who coordinates the provision for children with special educational needs or disabilities in schools. Many are also class teachers, and fulfil their SENCO duties on a part-time basis. SENCOs who were in position before 2009 may have been trained on the job, but now all new SENCOs have to complete a Masters level National Award for Special Educational Needs. So how could a SENCO help your child?
1. Assessing your child
‘If either you or the teacher has a concern about your child, the SENCO will go into the class to observe them and advise on what the next steps should be in terms of whether support is needed, and what that might involve. SEN parent adviser at Contact a Family (helpline 0808 808 3555). The SENCO is there to work not just with children who have physical or learning difficulties, but also those with emotional or behavioural problems, or who need some short-term support, for example in coping with a bereavement.
2. Referring your child to a professional
If the SENCO feels your child would benefit from external support, she can make a referral to professionals such as a speech and language therapist or occupational therapist. ‘She will also be involved in meetings with these professionals, both during the diagnostic process and on an on-going basis.’
3. Arranging SEN support in school
'Once a child’s concerns have been identified, the SENCO, in consultation with the class teacher, should put together an individual SEN support plan which should then be shared with the parents’. This sets out your child’s learning targets, who will support him or her and how, what resources and methods will be used, how your child’s progress and achievements will be monitored and how you can help as a parent.
4. Helping with an EHC process
Either you or the school may request an Education, Health and Care needs assessment for your child. This is a detailed investigation into your child’s special educational needs and is carried out by the local authority. If the local authority decides that the school can’t meet your child’s needs from its own resources, your child will be given an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) which sets out your child’s needs and what additional help they require.
‘During the assessment process, the local authority will ask the parents, the school and any professionals involved to produce a report about the child’s difficulties, and in most cases, the SENCO will write the report on behalf of the school’. ‘They will also be involved in explaining the process to you and liaising with you throughout.’
5. Helping the teacher to help your child
The SENCO plays a vital role in supporting your child’s teacher to ensure that their educational needs are met. ‘The SENCO will often help the teacher with their planning to ensure that the teaching is accessible to your child, give advice on how they can improve their practices and suggest resources and activities that could support their learning’. ‘The SENCO can also deliver additional training to teachers, or arrange external training if appropriate.’
6. Co-ordinating meetings
Many people are involved in the education and support of a child with special educational needs: the class teacher, the SENCO, parents and other professionals. ‘The SENCO should be involved in any meetings with these people to ensure that everyone is coordinated in how they support the child.
7. Organising resources
For some children with special educational needs, resources – ranging from flashcards to laptops – can make a big difference to their learning. ‘The SENCO will be involved in the provision of those resources, and will liaise with the necessary people if there’s a financial implication.’
8. Reviewing targets
‘A child’s SEN support plan should contain SMART targets that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time sensitive,’ says Carmel. ‘These targets should be reviewed regularly in a meeting with the SENCO, teacher, parents and professionals, usually once a term.’
9. Being an advocate
Having a child with special needs can be highly emotive, and feelings often run high if things are going badly at school. Remember, the SENCO is there to support you and your child, and to be an advocate for you both. ‘If something is niggling, it’s always best to talk to the SENCO sooner rather than later.’
Should you have any concerns related to your child, then please see your child's class teacher or ask to speak with Miss Davies or Mrs Willis. We will be happy to help.