This week, we have been learning about classification of minibeasts. We found out that classification means putting things into groups based on their features. We spoke about how we can put minibeasts into groups, based whether they have legs or not, or if they have wings or not. We thought of lots of different ways we could classify minibeasts, and practised sorting them in different ways!

In writing, we wrote captions/sentences about the features of a ladybird. We looked carefully and made observations about their different characteristics, including their legs, colours and wings. We are continuing to work on our segmenting to spell phase 3 words, as well as our use of finger spaces.

In phonics, we have been practising reading words containing two or more digraphs, as well as compound words such as ‘popcorn’, ‘carpark’ and ‘farmyard’. We used the chunking method to help us read these longer words. 

In Maths, we have been continuing our learning all about subtraction. We have been subtracting using pictorial representations. We discussed that when we subtract, we take an amount away, so we can cross pictures out to represent this process. To work out the answer, we counted how many pictures remained. Some of use challenged ourselves to solve subtraction word problems. We picked out the numbers in the text before writing our subtraction number sentence. We remembered that the greater number always comes first when we subtract. We worked out the answer in our heads, or used our fingers to support if needed.