Year 5 Dolphin class worked really hard in English this morning, planning their setting descriptions of Camp Green Lake (the setting of the book HOLES by Louis Sachar) using the DADWAVERS format. They used each sense to formulate a specific structure, that will really aid in their independent…
Writing about Handa's Surprise
Today, we wrote sentences to describe what Handa is doing in the story 'Handa's Surprise'. We applied our Phase 3/4 phonics knowledge to spell, and are becoming much more confident with our use of finger spaces between words. We have also been practising the skills of using a capital letter and…
Marvellous magpies!
Year 5 Dolphins have worked really hard today, in sweltering heat, as magpies, extracting setting description features independently. We are clearly nearly year six ready!
Super Suspense and Terrifying Tension!
To enable our writing to have appropriate vocabulary within, we looked at how to use suspense and tension within narrative writing. We used skills such as show not tell, figurative language and a range of clause structures to build appropriate suspense and tension up within our writing.
Hello Lighthouse!
This half term Year 1 are using the story “Hello Lighthouse” as their writing stimulus. The children used role play and drama to retell the key events in the story. In doing so they took on the role of different characters thinking about their actions, feelings and…
Super summarising!
Year 5 Dolphins have used their reading VIPERS summarising skills this morning to help in their understanding of our new text this week.
Our final Y4 Writing text!
This week, Y4 have been introduced to their final Y4 text entitled 'The Boy at the Back of the Class'. So far, we've read the first 3 chapters and Y4 have thoroughly enjoyed it! We have started our preparation for our next independent write which will be a diary entry from the perspective of the…
Dramatic drama!
Year five Dolphins really enjoyed role playing the lives of convicts at Camp Green Lake, the setting of our class text, 'Holes' by Louis Sachar today. Mrs Edwards was a very convincing prison warden!
Freeze Frames of Holes
Today the children have been acting out parts of our opening paragraphs from our new class text ‘Holes’ this photo was taken during our freeze frames when one of the children at Camp Green Lake decided to attack our main character Stanley
Writing AL - African Animals
This week we have been learning about Africa. The children have looked at the different animals and wrote about what they can see in the African Savanna. We have been focusing on sentences and being able to use a full stop and sometimes a capital letter at the start of our sentence.
Magpie of Features
We worked as a group to look at lots of different recounts and decided on the features of the genre. This will help us when we write our own this week!
Powerful predicting!
Year 5 Dolphins used their powerful predicting skills beautifully today to investigate our new English text: Holes by Louis Sachar.