Image of Freeze Frames of Holes
8 June 2023

Freeze Frames of Holes

Today the children have been acting out parts of our opening paragraphs from our new class text ‘Holes’ this photo was taken during our freeze frames when one of the children at Camp Green Lake decided to attack our main character Stanley

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Image of Writing AL - African Animals
7 June 2023

Writing AL - African Animals

This week we have been learning about Africa. The children have looked at the different animals and wrote about what they can see in the African Savanna. We have been focusing on sentences and being able to use a full stop and sometimes a capital letter at the start of our sentence. 


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Image of Magpie of Features
6 June 2023

Magpie of Features

We worked as a group to look at lots of different recounts and decided on the features of the genre. This will help us when we write our own this week!

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Image of Powerful predicting!
6 June 2023

Powerful predicting!

Year 5 Dolphins used their powerful predicting skills beautifully today to investigate our new English text: Holes by Louis Sachar.

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Image of How to grow a beanstalk!
26 May 2023

How to grow a beanstalk!

This week Year 1 have been writing a set of instructions for how to plant a beanstalk so that Jack can say sorry to the giant. They had lots of fun planting the seeds and learning all about imperative verbs. During their independent write they produced some outstanding instructions including a…

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Image of Writing a set of instructions
23 May 2023

Writing a set of instructions

We wrote a set of instructions to explain how to make gingerbread men. We discussed the importance of writing our instructions in the correct order, as well as the use of verbs to tell the reader what actions they need to do. We used the skills of including a capital letter at the beginning of…

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Image of Remarkable writing
19 May 2023

Remarkable writing

This week in writing we have written our independent write which was an alternative retell of the story 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed this text and again, which is not a surprise, have impressed us with their writing especially their use of a range of punctuation…

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Image of Jack and the…… ocean?
19 May 2023

Jack and the…… ocean?

Year 1 have been superb authors when writing their alternative retell of Jack and the Beanstalk. They changed characters, settings and key events in the story. During their independent write the children used adjectives, suffix’s, and conjunction - some even used speech marks correctly without any…

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Image of Hot Seating Characters!
18 May 2023

Hot Seating Characters!

This week we have read the Gingerbread Man story, the children took part in hot seating to discuss the ideas and thoughts of different characters. We then wrote what we thought the characters would say to each other in the story.

The children focused on using clear finger spaces and applying…

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Image of Drama in Year 6!
17 May 2023

Drama in Year 6!

In Year 6 this week, we have started to read about our new class text ‘Oranges in No Man’s Land’. 

We have researched about the Lebanese Civil War - where the story is set - and learnt about how life changed during these times. Finally, we re-enacted the moment that the protagonist, Ayesha,…

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Image of Wonderful Writers
16 May 2023

Wonderful Writers

We have had the delivery of our VERY special books. Well done to the 25 children who managed to get their writing published in our Writing competition! Always proud of our very talented children. 

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Image of Sensational story telling
12 May 2023

Sensational story telling

This week we have started to prepare for our independent write which will be a narrative retell of Lilia's quest to meet Razvani. We have focussed upon extending sentences in a variety of ways through using a range of conjunctions, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases. Year 4 have showed a…

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