Image of Tuna pasta salad
26 April 2024

Tuna pasta salad

Today during DT we made our very own tuna pasta salad. We used the knives to chop the different ingredients carefully and safely. We then followed the instructions to mix them altogether. We had lots of fun doing this and our favourite bit was the taste test

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Image of Jack and the Mermaid Lagoon
26 April 2024

Jack and the Mermaid Lagoon

This week we have planned to write an alternative version of Jack and the Beanstalk! The children thought of some great ideas. We have changed the Giant to a Mermaid and instead of a beanstalk, Jack will dive into a crystal, clear lagoon to the Mermaid’s castle!

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26 April 2024

Multiskills- Balancing

In PE we have being looking at balancing on different body parts, and what we can do to stay balanced.

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Image of Forest School
22 April 2024

Forest School

Today we have enjoyed bug hunting, mud painting, making wands by tying knots and making observational drawings of insects. 

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Image of Oh I do like to be beside the Seaside!
19 April 2024

Oh I do like to be beside the Seaside!

Last week we learnt about the physical features of the seaside and this week we are learning about the human features. We were able to draw on our own experiences from the Seaside and enjoy the images and discussions about the following - lighthouse, promenade, pier, arcades and lifeboats.

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Image of Effective searching
19 April 2024

Effective searching

Today in computing we started a unit looking at effective searching. We completed a quiz to secure our knowledge and understanding from the lesson. We even completed the closed procedure sentences using all the new key vocabulary we had learned. 

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Image of Jack and the Beanstalk
17 April 2024

Jack and the Beanstalk

We have worked in groups to create an adjective word bank to help us to describe Jack, the Giant and the Beanstalk. We can use these to support our writing! 

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Image of Spring Spies!
17 April 2024

Spring Spies!

We are learning about the season Spring! Today we have watched a video about nature in Spring and the changes that have happened from Winter. We have made observations about the plants and animals and recorded them in our books. Our minds are blooming with new knowledge!

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Image of Blists Hill
12 April 2024

Blists Hill

Today we went to Blists Hill Victorian Village, linked to our previous learning in history on the victorians. We dressed up as Victorian school children and went to a Victorian school room where we met Mrs McCallester. We discovered it was very different in a Victorian school. After lunch we went…

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Image of Informative posters
10 April 2024

Informative posters

We created posters to inform people about the importance of hygiene and washing our hands.

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Image of Glitter Germs
10 April 2024

Glitter Germs

Today we used glitter to represent germs on our hands. We then went around and shook hands with our friends to see how many germs were transferred onto one another’s hands. 

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Image of Funky fingers!
13 March 2024

Funky fingers!

Our year two funky fingers learned how to finger knit! With patience and skill we made some colourful bangles! 

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