Image of Reading musical notation
17 May 2023

Reading musical notation

Year 6 have been practicing reading musical notation and understanding the progression up and down the musical stave. We have learnt about crotchet, minim and dotted notes and their values (using our Maths skills to understand that a dot indicates half the value of the musical note added on…

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Image of Drama in Year 6!
17 May 2023

Drama in Year 6!

In Year 6 this week, we have started to read about our new class text ‘Oranges in No Man’s Land’. 

We have researched about the Lebanese Civil War - where the story is set - and learnt about how life changed during these times. Finally, we re-enacted the moment that the protagonist, Ayesha,…

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Image of Costal Habitats!
17 May 2023

Costal Habitats!

This week in Geography, we have learnt all about different coastal habitats. Y4 were really interested in the different habitats especially a coral reef (as you can find stingrays here) and rock pools (where you can find a species of manatee). Keep up the super Geography work…

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Image of A trip to Lidl!
16 May 2023

A trip to Lidl!

This week, we went on a local area visit to Lidl to buy ingredients to make gingerbread men! We planned our route and walked safely along the pavements to the supermarket, discussing the importance of road safety along the way. When we arrived at Lidl, we looked at our shopping list before buying…

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Image of Wonderful Writers
16 May 2023

Wonderful Writers

We have had the delivery of our VERY special books. Well done to the 25 children who managed to get their writing published in our Writing competition! Always proud of our very talented children. 

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Image of Andy Goldsworthy
16 May 2023

Andy Goldsworthy

This week Nursery are studying the artist Andy Goldsworthy. Yesterday we talked about Andy Goldsworthy and discussed his sculptures, the natural materials that he liked to use, where he produced his artwork and the shapes that we could see in his designs. 
Today we went on a hunt around the…

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Image of Heave!!!!
15 May 2023


Acting out rowing the Norse longship that would allow the Norse people to travel across the sea, through the fjords and down rivers. Lots of tiring work to the sound of “Heave!”

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Image of Amazing Art!
12 May 2023

Amazing Art!

This week Year 3 have looked at the artist Carl Warner who uses fruit and vegetables in his art work. The children have used this for inspiration and created their still life with different fruit and vegetables. We have been really impressed with the art work produced great work…

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Image of Marvellous maths
12 May 2023

Marvellous maths

This week in Maths we have finished off our learning all about translating and describing coordinates on a grid. Year 4 found this difficult at first as this required a lot of focus to count each square. But then towards the end of the week year 4 have shown incredible resilience and have produced…

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Image of Sensational story telling
12 May 2023

Sensational story telling

This week we have started to prepare for our independent write which will be a narrative retell of Lilia's quest to meet Razvani. We have focussed upon extending sentences in a variety of ways through using a range of conjunctions, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases. Year 4 have showed a…

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Image of Musical movers!
12 May 2023

Musical movers!

Puffins used their bodies to move in time to the music and to follow the beat of the music.  They enjoyed singing “high/low” extracts and clapping to copy the owls.  We have some real movers in this class!

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Image of Musical movers!
12 May 2023

Musical movers!

Puffins used their bodies to move in time to the music and to follow the beat of the music.  They enjoyed singing “high/low” extracts and clapping to copy the owls.  We have some real movers in this class!

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