Image of Writing about Handa's Surprise
13 June 2023

Writing about Handa's Surprise

Today, we wrote sentences to describe what Handa is doing in the story 'Handa's Surprise'. We applied our Phase 3/4 phonics knowledge to spell, and are becoming much more confident with our use of finger spaces between words. We have also been practising the skills of using a capital letter and…

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Image of Marvellous magpies!
12 June 2023

Marvellous magpies!

Year 5 Dolphins have worked really hard today, in sweltering heat, as magpies, extracting setting description features independently. We are clearly nearly year six ready! 

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Image of Super Suspense and Terrifying Tension!
12 June 2023

Super Suspense and Terrifying Tension!

To enable our writing to have appropriate vocabulary within, we looked at how to use suspense and tension within narrative writing. We used skills such as show not tell, figurative language and a range of clause structures to build appropriate suspense and tension up within our writing. 

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Image of Humanist thinkers
10 June 2023

Humanist thinkers

Year 6 have been public speaking as famous humanist thinkers from throughout history, expressing their views on religion. We have shown respect and tolerance in hearing beliefs different from our own and being able to present our knowledge using our drama skills.

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Image of Super Science!
9 June 2023

Super Science!

This week, we started our brand new topic entitled ‘Living things and their habitats’. This week, Y4 learnt all about the different characteristics that make an organism living using the acronym MRS GREN to help us remember each of the seven criteria. We were then challenged to research our…

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Image of Place value consolidation
9 June 2023

Place value consolidation

Today in Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge of subtracting and adding 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s. Year 4 have really impressed us with how well they have showcased their understanding in this topic. Well done Year 4!

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Image of Height of babies as part of science
9 June 2023

Height of babies as part of science

In science today we have looked at how babies grow and develop, two things we have focused on specifically are the height and weight changes from 0-12 months old. In order to represent our data we looked at using line and bar graphs to create a representation of given data, the children were able…

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Image of Terrible Tudor and Vicious Victoria
9 June 2023

Terrible Tudor and Vicious Victoria

In History we are learning about Kings and Queens. This week we have been looking at famous monarchs, discussing their lives and both the changes they saw and made. 

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Image of Cool Coastlines
9 June 2023

Cool Coastlines

Year 1 are learning all about the coast this term. This week, they have learnt that the coastline is where the land meets the sea. Children learnt that there are many types of coastlines including, beaches, bays, cliffs and sand dunes. The children labelled physical features on images, aerial…

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Image of Editors at work!
9 June 2023

Editors at work!

We’ve been editing our recount of our trip to the park.  Everyone was able to find something in their work that could be improved and some children went into even more detail about our little adventure.  

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Image of Super certificate!
9 June 2023

Super certificate!

Well done to Connor who was presented with a certificate from Mrs Willis in assembly today.  She also commented on the fantastic dancing that she’d seen all of the Puffins doing in their PE session.  We have some movers in Puffins!

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Image of Marvellous Maths!
9 June 2023

Marvellous Maths!

In Maths this week, we have been counting forwards and backwards to and from 100. We also looked at partitioning numbers to 100, identifying the value of the tens and ones. The children wowed us with their amazing knowledge and understanding. 

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