Which material is the best reflector?
Today we became scientists today and investigated the question ‘Which material is the best reflector?’ We tested materials such as foil, plastic, glass, card and fabric. After testing using torches we discovered foil is the best at reflecting because it reflected the most light as it was smooth,…
Forest school - tied up in knots
Today we had lots of fun during our first Forest School session. We used sticks to create our very own pictures frames. We used string to attach the sticks together and worked hard to tie the string and make knots. Once completed we took pictures using our frames. We can’t wait for next weeks…
We launched the Red2Blue initiative in school today. In Reception, we discussed what it means to have a 'red head' and a 'blue head'. We read the story 'My Monster and Me' and discussed ways that we can move from a red head to a blue head. We used a blue crayon to draw things that make us feel…
Red2Blue inspired Writing
After reading the story ‘Small Things’ we created our own storyboard and diaries as if we were the main character. We spoke about how he might be feeling and gave him advice on what to do to become happier and calmer.
Today we lauded our Red2Blue initiative in school. This is about recognising when we’re in a ‘Red head’ feeling stuck, pressured or worried and how to get back into the ‘Blue head’ feeling content, determined and confident. We looked at the story ‘Small Things’ and created our own art based on the…
Year 6 completed some art using Zentangle patterns to show the complexities within the human mind as we work towards building resilience when moving from our Red to our Blue head during trickier times.
Stop Motion
We took part in Enrichment this morning, using Stop Motion to create short films. Using models that we created ourselves, we took pictures to create our own animations. The results were amazing! Well done everyone!
Authors at work!
Today we became real authors, publishing our non-chronological reports on our iPads. We used our computing knowledge to make subheadings, making the texts bold and underlined. Using our draft, we improved our writing and made sure it included all of the year 3 skills.
Garage Band enrichment
Our Garage Band superstars produced some fantastic music including in a dance style, acoustic and even music from other cultures.
Christmas cards
We got creative by making our own Christmas/winter cards this week. We used a sponge to print paint on the front cover, creating the outline of a snowman. We then used glue to add finer details to our design. Inside our cards, we wrote a message to our loved ones. We can't wait to take them home…
Performing poetry
Year 6 have been performing their war poetry to the class, showing the Waterside value of courage when reading aloud.
Juggling Balls
We enjoyed making our own juggling balls, here are a few examples of the finished products. Well done Year 3!