Forest Schools!
This week, Y6 have started Forest Schools! Mrs Barker was really impressed with how well Y6 worked together to produce some lovely pieces of art using only natural resources! I’m sure you will agree that the work they produced was so creative and imaginative!
Exploring our local habitat!
Last week, Y6 went on a walk around our local area around school to try and spot a range of different living organisms. We were surprised at how many living organisms could actually be found around our local area! We then came back to class to try and classify the different organisms using a plant…
Climate graphs!
In Maths this week, we have considered the mathematical skills needed when booking a holiday. We considered how, often, people research different destinations before booking a holiday considering average temperatures and rainfall. We created climate graphs using given data based on different…
Imagine That! Trip
Today Duck class have been on a trip to ‘Imagine That!’ In Liverpool. Everyone was so well behaved on the coach and we really enjoyed spending time exploring different science experiments. We even got to make our own snow! We then got to play in the role play areas and got to pretend to do all…
Cress investigation
Today we set up an investigation to see in which conditions the cress seeds would grow best. We wrote a list of equipment and made our predictions before planting the cress seeds. We decided to choose four different conditions. We will observe them next week to see what has happened.
Making pictures using 2D shapes
We worked on our spatial reasoning by using 2D shapes to create a picture. We selected, rotated and manipulated shapes to ensure they were in the correct position and orientation when creating a desired image.
Dino Disco!
Today year 2 had a visit from CBSO Hybrid Orchestra who performed for the children. We learnt all about rhythm, tempo, pitch etc… At the end we had a dinosaur disco, great fun was had by all.
How to become….. Flow diagram
Today the children have created a flow diagram detailing the path they may take in order to achieve their future career. We had many aspirations such as; footballers, surgeons, lawyers, gymnasts, cricket players, fashioner designers, an ice cream man and doctors!
Making gingerbread men!
We had lots of fun making gingerbread men using the ingredients we bought from Lidl. We carefully measured out the ingredients before mixing them together and rolling the mixture. We then used a cutter to cut out our gingerbread men shapes and baked the gingerbread men in the oven for 20 minutes.…
Interviews on a Vanishing
Today the children have practised their skills in journalism by conducting interviews with Tam and Holly about the disappearance of Varjak, taking on the role of interviewer and interviewee the children came up with lots of questions they could ask each other and thought carefully about how they…
Buying items for making gingerbread men!
Today the children went to Lidl to buy all the ingredients needed to make Gingerbread men! This afternoon we will be making our gingerbread men ready to decorate tomorrow. The children were so well behaved and loved being in the supermarket and looking at prices and using money to buy their…
Dual bar charts!
In Maths this week, we have learnt about dual bar charts. Y6 responded really well to this lesson and showed a really good understanding of how to interpret dual bar charts. Well done Year 6!