Image of Amazing alternative event
17 November 2023

Amazing alternative event

This week Year 4 have written an alternative event for their independent write. It has been lovely to see today the children self assessing and editing their own writing to improve, this is a skill we have been focussing on recently. Well done Year 4! 

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Image of Fantastic forest school!
10 November 2023

Fantastic forest school!

Today Year 4 took part in forest school they had to complete a forest school hunt where they had to find- twigs of different sizes, leaves of various sizes & colours, insects, flowers & birds. Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed this outdoor experience and cannot wait for next Friday!

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Image of Creative clay tiles
20 October 2023

Creative clay tiles

This week year 4 had the opportunity to create their very own clay tiles. We had a wonderful time discovering the process of how clay tiles are made. Some of us even went back to visit with our family later the same day. We were very proud of how year 4 represented waterside! Well done Year…

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Image of Jabberwocky illustrations
20 October 2023

Jabberwocky illustrations

This week we have illustrated our jabberwocky poems using the medium of charcoal. We have thoroughly enjoyed experimenting with charcoal and have produced some fantastic pieces of art. Well done Year 4!

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Image of Awesome Addition
13 October 2023

Awesome Addition

This week in Maths we have been focussing on adding two four digit numbers together with one or more exchange. Year 4 have shown determination in their Maths lessons this week, as at the beginning of the week we found exchanging to be a very tricky method to master. However by the end of the week…

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Image of Wonderful writing!
13 October 2023

Wonderful writing!

This week Year 4 have started their new text 'Charlotte's Web'. We have had some insightful discussions when discussing the book, and have created role on the walls for our main characters to understand their thoughts, feelings and emotions. Towards the end of the week, we acted out some of our…

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Image of Zentangle Drawing!
21 July 2023

Zentangle Drawing!

Wow, for enrichment morning, we have created some incredible Zentangle patterns. We have enjoyed learning all about these patterns and having a go at drawing our own. I must say we have some very talented artists! 

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Image of Detailed deserts
23 June 2023

Detailed deserts

In our Geography lesson this week, we have been learning all about how deserts are formed. By the end of the lesson, we were able to confidently use key high level vocabulary to give detailed explanations to answer challenging questions. Some key words included: vegetation, dersertification,…

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Image of Wonderful Writing
23 June 2023

Wonderful Writing

This week in Writing we have been focussing on understanding how to punctuate dialogue correctly. This is something Stingrays at the beginning of the week really struggled with. We are very proud of how the children have shown such determination and resilience over the week; show casing just how…

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Image of Superb sports day!
23 June 2023

Superb sports day!

On Thursday afternoon we held our Year 4 sports day! It was lovely to see the children really enjoying themselves and cheering one another on. We have definitely got some future athletes in Stingrays! We had a fantastic afternoon and when we got back to class we enjoyed looking back through all of…

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Image of Historical arguments
16 June 2023

Historical arguments

Today in History, we learnt all about how and why Arabia grew so far so fast. We had some very insightful discussions over different factors and produced some terrific justified reasons. Well done Year 4! 

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Image of Place value consolidation
9 June 2023

Place value consolidation

Today in Maths we have been consolidating our knowledge of subtracting and adding 1s, 10s, 100s and 1000s. Year 4 have really impressed us with how well they have showcased their understanding in this topic. Well done Year 4!

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