Finding our favourite Dipper!
Year 1 have spent their DT lesson using their senses to find their favourite dipper . They tasted cucumber, breadstick, carrot and tortilla crisps! Their firm favourite was tortilla crisps with 18 of 30 voting for it.
Active 60 Festival at Fenton Sports Manor
This week year 1 and 2 went to Fenton Manor to take part alongside other schools. We were able to stay active for a full 60 minutes, taking part in a range of sporting activities.
We had such positive feedback from the children and it was lovely to see them working as a team and communicating to…
DT Day
Year 1 took part in their DT day where they created a final project of ‘fabric faces’.
They learnt how to join fabrics, cut fabrics and created their own design.
everybody had a great day and really enjoyed learning something new.
We have been doing Gymnastics this half term on a Friday with Miss Cawley. We have used our body to make shapes such as a pike, tuck, straddle. Today we have begun to practise different jumps. We really enjoy our PE lessons!
Scientists at work!
To end our Science topic - Animals including Humans. We have carried out an investigation answering the question ‘What animals live in our School grounds?’ We made a prediction using our scientific knowledge of animal groups and then used our IPads to take photographs of the wildlife that we found…
Exploring Watercolour
This week in Art we have begun our new Art topic - Exploring Watercolour. We have used the watercolours to try out a variety of techniques and to experiment with colour mixing.
Anti-bullying week!
Odd socks day! Why did we wear odd socks to School? Well the children in Year One can tell you.
“It is okay to be different. We need to be kind to each other” - Darasimi
”We are wearing odd socks to show it’s okay to be different” - Hamd
”Bullying is not okay. It means being unkind over…
Children in Need!
During our class assembly we discussed Children in Need. We learnt what ‘charity’ and ‘fundraising’ means. In our computing lesson, we have logged on to Purple Mash using a username and password and we used the paint tool to draw our own picture of the emblem, Pudsey…
Drawing club
In drawing club today ,our year 1’s used mirrors to study their faces and created their very own self portraits!
I see shells!
Today we have practised continuous line drawings of shells! We found it quite tricky to keep the pencil on the paper and not take it off until the drawing is complete. However we were determined to create some beautiful art! Look what we have done.
Snail trails!
Today we have been investigating the artist Molly Haslund, we created our amazing works of art in her style using chalks and black sugar paper. Molly Haslunds art often contain spirals and circles, we started by using a white chalk to make a snail trail on our paper then we filled the spiral in…
Spirals in the Sun
Year 1 have thoroughly enjoyed their first art lesson of the year!we learnt about using our whole body to draw, then practised this drawing spirals outside. It was great to see them choosing to work together to create multicoloured spirals too!