Image of Matching animal mothers to their young
12 March 2024

Matching animal mothers to their young

Today in science and as part of our spring topic, the children have been looking at matching farm animal mothers to their offspring. We looked at animals such as cows, sheep, chickens and horses. They were able to name the animals and their young and match them up correctly. 

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Image of Observational drawings of daffodils
1 March 2024

Observational drawings of daffodils

We made observations of daffodils by looking closely at the different parts of the plant. We looked carefully at the shape of the petals, stem, leaves and flower and drew what we could see. We focused on each separate part of the plant and spoke about the types of lines we would draw, for example,…

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Image of A spring walk- spotting signs of spring
28 February 2024

A spring walk- spotting signs of spring

The children in reception went on a spring walk to see what signs of spring we could spot. We saw a birds nest, buds on the trees and daffodils. We then read our topic story outside called ‘busy spring nature wakes up’. The children really enjoyed using their senses to explore signs of spring and…

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Image of Let’s up the voltage!
27 February 2024

Let’s up the voltage!

Year 6 have been investigating what happens when we increase the voltage in a circuit. 

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Image of Circuit diagrams!
22 February 2024

Circuit diagrams!

This week in Science, we have started a brand new topic entitled ‘Electricity’. In our lesson this week, we looked at drawing circuit diagrams using the correct scientific symbols. We even experimented with circuit equipment we have in school to see if we could get a light bulb to light…

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Image of What colour is light?
7 February 2024

What colour is light?

Take a look at some of the amazing Science work produced by Y6 in Science this week. Y6 were tasked with researching light. Specifically, they were asked to research the question ‘What colour is light?’. They have presented their finding beautifully, drawing upon key scientists like Isaac…

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Image of Super Science Investigating!
2 February 2024

Super Science Investigating!

Take a look at some super investigating we’ve been doing in Science recently! Yesterday, we investigated shadows, proving that shadows are a similar shape to the object that cast them! Today, we’ve learnt all about refraction and used water, straws and other objects to see how refraction creates…

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Image of Superb Science experiment!
2 February 2024

Superb Science experiment!

This week in Science we have had a look at our experiment to analyse the rate of evaporation of different types of liquids at room temperature. We predicted that the beaker with the lid would have the most amount of evaporation because the lid would create more heat. However our experiment showed…

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Image of The wonderful water cycle!
26 January 2024

The wonderful water cycle!

This week in Science we explored the different stages of the water cycle and discussed the challenging question is the water we drink today the same water dinosaurs drank in the past! 

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Image of Light investigation
19 January 2024

Light investigation

Year 6 investigated what happens to their pupil when their eye is exposed to light.

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Image of Toys From The Past
17 January 2024

Toys From The Past

We have learnt about the past! I know the past is something that has already happened. 

We have enjoyed learning about different toys that children used in the past. We have been looking at they toys and exploring how to use them, our favourite was the jack in the box! We looked at the…

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Image of Winter is Here!
16 January 2024

Winter is Here!

This week we have been very lucky to have snow! The children were super excited to tell me what they saw on the way to school. We discussed as a class that we have moved into a new season - Winter. We talked and looked at images of different signs to look out for. We then went to explore our…

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