Image of Story sequencing- whatever next!
11 October 2024

Story sequencing- whatever next!

The children used the pictures from the story Whatever next! to sequence the story from beginning to end. They used words like beginning, middle and end and characters. We really focused on the story and retelling it in our own words once we had sequenced it correctly. 

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Image of Talk for Writing
2 October 2024

Talk for Writing

We used 'Talk for Writing' to retell our Treasure Book story, Whatever Next! We thought of pictures to draw for each part of the story and added actions to help us retell it in our own words.

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Image of Sharks!
2 October 2024


This week, in reading, we have started reading our new non fiction text all about sharks. Year 5 have really engaged with this text, it has been lovely to see!

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Image of This is the bear…
1 October 2024

This is the bear…

We have begun our new class text called ‘This is the bear and the scary night’ 

We have enjoyed using actions and phrase to retell the story during our Talk For Writing lesson. Look at the story map we have created together as a class! 

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Image of Story Time
27 September 2024

Story Time

We love to share books as a class and with our friends. This week we chose our own books and discussed the different illustrations we could see.

The children were showing respect towards the book as they handle with care and know the importance of books. We turned the pages one by one, talked…

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Image of Zero!
27 September 2024


All About Zero! 

In Numbers and patterns we have looked at the numeral ‘0’ and have been identifying this around our environment. We discussed the value of Zero and could show this with objects, on our hands, and enjoyed listening to the story ‘Zero’ by Kathrine Otoshi. 

Super work…

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Image of Features of a fiction text
10 April 2024

Features of a fiction text

Today we have looked at the features of a fiction book. We used our focus text of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ and identified features such as the title, spine, blurb, illustrations and authors name. The children listened to the story and were then able to tell me what happened at the beginning, middle…

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Image of World Book Day!
9 March 2024

World Book Day!

As part of World Book Day, Y6 completed an Art task based on the book ‘Art & Max’. We used paint to create the dot designs on our lizards inspired by the characters from the text. I’m sure you will agree that the children did a fantastic job of them!

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Image of Buddy Reading
7 March 2024

Buddy Reading

Today, during our celebrations for World Book Day we shared stories with Year 6. We loved our buddy reading time and can’t wait to do it again soon. 

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Image of Stories, blankets, hot chocolate and biscuits
7 March 2024

Stories, blankets, hot chocolate and biscuits

We finished the day with hot chocolates and biscuits, they went down a treat. 

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Image of World Book Day Fun
7 March 2024

World Book Day Fun

This morning for World Book Day we have been looking at the story Matilda. We drew our favourite character from the text and used our iPads to animate them and bring them to life. We had so much fun doing this and the result was fantastic. Look out for the video to follow!

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