Feature Magpies
We started a new genre today, a persuasive letter. We looked at examples and found the features, discussing what they mean. We did a great job!
Impressionist Art
We spent our Computing lesson using a painting programme to create our own Impressionist Style artwork. Look at this wonderful example: Night Sky by Izzy
Dough people
Today we set our Funky Fingers the challenge of making a dough person, they did a fantastic job, what do you think?
Sports Day
We had an amazing sports day with lots of us getting stickers! Despite it being very hot we had a lovely time and enjoyed being in the sunshine.
Greta and the Giants
We absolutely loved role playing our new story Greta and the Giants. We completed freeze frames from different parts in the story to make sure we knew the sequence before writing a retell.
Material Detectives
We had a great time looking for objects made from Materials we already knew to start our topic of Everyday Materials. We discovered there was LOTS of metal and plastic outside and more paper, cardboard and glass outside. Next week, we’ll look into their properties to discover why.
Our Trip to the Park
We had an AMAZING time on our trip to the park. We created some brilliant recounts of our time.
Magpie of Features
We worked as a group to look at lots of different recounts and decided on the features of the genre. This will help us when we write our own this week!
Tuneful Tuesday
We had SO much fun using the glockenspiels in today’s music lesson. We learned a simple tune of ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ to get us used to using them.
Story Tellers
It was lovely to see the children share a story after working so hard this week on our Secret Agent Training (SATS)
Geography Superstars!
Today we learned about the Earth and the 3 parts it is split into. We learned that the imaginary line called the equator splits the world into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. We learned that the closer a country is to the equator, the hotter it is. We also learned that the…
Geography Superstars!
Today we learned about the Earth and the 3 parts it is split into. We learned that the imaginary line called the equator splits the world into the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. We learned that the closer a country is to the equator, the hotter it is. We also learned that the…