Image of Fine Motor Skills
11 October 2024

Fine Motor Skills

This week we enjoyed the play dough. We used our fine motor skills to manipulate the dough to make different features of our face. We then talked about our families and the children started to make their family members. 
We discussed is everyone the same? What makes us different? Is it ok to be…

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Image of Number Blocks
11 October 2024

Number Blocks

Today we worked in groups to make number blocks! We recapped the numbers 0 and 1, and incorporated our new number 2. The children did super and they can all recognise numbers 0,1 and are recognising 2 with little support.

We worked together to count out cubes and make up numbers within 2, we…

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Image of My Family
11 October 2024

My Family

This week we have been learning all about our families. Who is in our family?
We drew pictures from memory and with the support of some images from home of who is part of our family. 
We learnt everybody’s family is different. 

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Image of Our Emotions
4 October 2024

Our Emotions

This week we have been learning about our emotions through the story ‘The Colour Monster’. We enjoyed reading the story and hearing about the different emotions we may feel. We talked about what things may make us feel a type of way and how we express our feelings. 

We have took part in lots of…

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Image of What Can you Hear?
4 October 2024

What Can you Hear?

We have been exploring our different senses each week. This week we focused on our hearing. As a group we listened to potential sounds we would hear inside and outside. We loved guessing the sounds. We then went on a sound walk to see what we could hear. 

We explored squishing and stamping on…

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Image of Jumping and Hoping!
4 October 2024

Jumping and Hoping!

In PE this week we have been recapping the different movements we learnt last week. We took part in ‘Sticky kids - Let’s go walking’. We had to listen to the song and then move through walking, jogging, marching, galloping and on our tip-toes. The children loved this.

We then moved on to…

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Image of Story Time
27 September 2024

Story Time

We love to share books as a class and with our friends. This week we chose our own books and discussed the different illustrations we could see.

The children were showing respect towards the book as they handle with care and know the importance of books. We turned the pages one by one, talked…

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Image of Zero!
27 September 2024


All About Zero! 

In Numbers and patterns we have looked at the numeral ‘0’ and have been identifying this around our environment. We discussed the value of Zero and could show this with objects, on our hands, and enjoyed listening to the story ‘Zero’ by Kathrine Otoshi. 

Super work…

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Image of All About Me
27 September 2024

All About Me

We have began our topic ‘All About Me’ and we started by looking at our body parts and facial features. We loved using construction to make up our body and describing the different parts. We practised using our body parts to move in different ways during our PE lesson and used loose parts to make…

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Image of Forest School Enrichment Morning
8 July 2024

Forest School Enrichment Morning

What a super morning we have had! We enjoyed a forest school experience for enrichment day and we have been doing lots of different activities.

We loved den building, using our imagination, problem solving skills and working together to make a den. We then enjoyed some hot chocolate in our…

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Image of Name Writing ✍️
5 July 2024

Name Writing ✍️

We are always practising our name writing and we are making super progress!
Well done nursery, continue to practise your name at home to and show your families how super you are! 

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Image of Our First Time in Reception!
4 July 2024

Our First Time in Reception!

This week we spent 2 days in our new classrooms with our new teachers. 
We were very excited and a little nervous but we had the best time exploring the room, activities and getting to our new teacher. 
Miss Curtis and Miss Edward’s both had such lovely things to say about the children and they…

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