Tricky Time
In Maths this week, we have started our new topic on time. Year 4 have found time rather tricky but have shown fantastic resilience in their maths lessons. At the beginning of the week, we focussed upon telling the time to the hour and to 5 minutes, this has now become a strength in year 4. Keep…
Cool Computing!
Y4 were really excited to be back on the laptops and building their skills in using 2Logo. This week, we learnt how to use the ‘Repeat’ command to create a range of 2D shapes. Some children even managed to use this command to make a ten-sided shape and a circle! Keep up the enthusiasm for…
Superb Science!
This afternoon in Science, Y4 made drums out of classroom objects to investigate sound vibrations. We worked in groups and placed rice on our drums and observed to see how much the rice moved when tapping the drum with a different amount of fingers each time. This was a great way to explore the…
Costal Habitats!
This week in Geography, we have learnt all about different coastal habitats. Y4 were really interested in the different habitats especially a coral reef (as you can find stingrays here) and rock pools (where you can find a species of manatee). Keep up the super Geography work…
Marvellous maths
This week in Maths we have finished off our learning all about translating and describing coordinates on a grid. Year 4 found this difficult at first as this required a lot of focus to count each square. But then towards the end of the week year 4 have shown incredible resilience and have produced…
Sensational story telling
This week we have started to prepare for our independent write which will be a narrative retell of Lilia's quest to meet Razvani. We have focussed upon extending sentences in a variety of ways through using a range of conjunctions, fronted adverbials and expanded noun phrases. Year 4 have showed a…
Amazing Art!
This half term we have been looking at the Art work created by the incredible artist Georgia O'Keeffe! We have made collages using images of her work and also practiced the skill of creating light and dark shadow effects using pencils! We have some amazing artists in Y4!
Wonderful Writing
This week in writing we have written our independent write which was an informal letter from the perspective of our main character Lila. Year 4 have produced some marvellous pieces of writing! We are now using our year 4 skills without even thinking. Well done year 4 keep up the hard work!
Eid -Al-Fitr
This week we learnt all about the Islamic Festival Eid-Al-Fitr. We created a lantern design and wrote acrostic poems to recognise and learn more about this important festival. For those who are celebrating Eid this week, we wish you all a very Happy Eid!
New Class Text!
This week, Y4 have been introduced to their brand new Class Text 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. Y4 are really enjoying this adventure story so far. We can't wait to find out more about Lila's inspirational journey to Mount Merapi!
The final week of our second Spring term has finally arrived. It has already been a super busy week with Y3 and Y4 preparing for their performance of ‘What’s the Crime Mr Wolf?’ We are all so excited to watch the children perform as they have worked so hard to prepare for this performance. We hope…
This week Y4 have completed their NFER assessments and I could not be more proud of them. This class continue to impress me and it has been truly wonderful to see how they have flourished and progressed. They have shown great resilience and determination to be the absolute best they can be. Take a…