Image of Rebuilding London after the Great Fire
1 October 2024

Rebuilding London after the Great Fire

In History we have learned about how London was rebuilt after The Great Fire. We discussed how improvements were made to ensure a disaster like this never happens again. Roads were made wider and straighter so houses could be more spaced out. Houses were made out of brick which is a less flammable…

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Image of The House of Wisdom!
26 September 2024

The House of Wisdom!

In History this week, we have been learning all about how the city of Baghdad became the city of new knowledge, as books were brought over from the library of Alexandria to the House of Wisdom. 

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Image of Beeston Castle
21 June 2024

Beeston Castle

Today we enjoyed a visit to Beeston Castle where we applied all of our learning on Pre-historic times. 

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Image of Islam bursts out of Arabia
14 June 2024

Islam bursts out of Arabia

This week in History we have been learning all about how Islam burst out of Arabia! 

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Image of Alexander’s Battles!
23 May 2024

Alexander’s Battles!

This week in History we learnt about two of Alexander the Great’s battles. We learnt all about the Battle of Issus and the battle at Gaugamela. Y6 were really engaged in this lesson and are eager to find out what happened next between Alexander the Great and King Darius…

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Image of The Stone Age
2 May 2024

The Stone Age

In History we have being learning learning about are human ancestors. We looked at cave paintings created in the Stone Age. We learnt that these were found all over the world and often depicted animals. We explored how these paintings can tell us about life in the Stone Age.

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Image of The Greek and Persian Wars!
19 April 2024

The Greek and Persian Wars!

This week in History, Y6 have completed their topic entitled ‘Persia and Greece’. The focus of this week’s lesson was the Greek and Persian Wars. We learnt about 3 wars that happened between Persia and Greece and found it surprising that the Greek city-states were not conquered by the Persian army…

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Image of Arabia and early Islam
12 April 2024

Arabia and early Islam

In History this week, we Year 4 have started their new topic of Arabia and early Islam. We have been learning about what life was like in Makkah in 570!

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Image of Blists Hill
12 April 2024

Blists Hill

Today we went to Blists Hill Victorian Village, linked to our previous learning in history on the victorians. We dressed up as Victorian school children and went to a Victorian school room where we met Mrs McCallester. We discovered it was very different in a Victorian school. After lunch we went…

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Image of Athens and Sparta!
9 March 2024

Athens and Sparta!

In our History lesson this week, Y6 explored the two Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta. We showcased our learning through drawing the key elements of the Greek city-states and annotating our drawings identifying the different buildings and areas that would have been found in each of the…

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Image of Year 5 Class Assembly
23 February 2024

Year 5 Class Assembly

Well done to Year 5 this week for their class assembly. We used the knowledge, that we have learnt this half term, to retell the Viking invasion. 

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Image of The Crystal Palace and the Great Exhibition
30 January 2024

The Crystal Palace and the Great Exhibition

Today in history we learned about what The Crystal Palace was and what you could see if you visited The Great Exhibition as well as who could go and visit. We used our iPads to record our answers. 

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