Image of Jumping and Hoping!
4 October 2024

Jumping and Hoping!

In PE this week we have been recapping the different movements we learnt last week. We took part in ‘Sticky kids - Let’s go walking’. We had to listen to the song and then move through walking, jogging, marching, galloping and on our tip-toes. The children loved this.

We then moved on to…

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Image of Sports Day
25 June 2024

Sports Day

We had a fantastic afternoon on Sports Day! We enjoyed competing in the sack race, obstacle course and the sprint. The children showed wonderful determination and great sportsmanship to cheer each other on. Everybody took part and had lots of fun! It was lovely to invite parents in to share the…

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Image of Sharing into equal groups
18 June 2024

Sharing into equal groups

In Maths this week, we have been exploring sharing amounts into equal groups. We learnt that equal means 'the same'. We worked out which numbers we could share equally between two groups, and which we could not. If we had one beanbag left over, we knew that number could not be equally…

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Image of Parachute Games
13 May 2024

Parachute Games

In PE this week we have focussed on our listening skills and following instructions of a game. The children have loved using the parachute to take part in lots of different activities. We were able to wait our turn and support our friends when it was their turn with cheering. 

We played…

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Image of Team Games
26 April 2024

Team Games

In PE this term we will be focusing on a team Games. The children have been working within small groups to complete different activities. 

We will focus on our ability to follow instructions and rules of the game, turn taking, and communication with friends. Within games we can sometimes find…

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