Image of Marvellous Maths!
24 September 2024

Marvellous Maths!

Today we have been learning about comparing amounts. We began by identifying which group had 'more', 'fewer' or 'the same'. We then moved onto creating our own amounts, demonstrating our understanding of key vocabulary. Some of us challenged ourselves further to verbally answer reasoning problems,…

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Image of Identifying the features of a street
17 September 2024

Identifying the features of a street

As part of our topic 'Me and My World', we learnt about the different features of a street. We looked at photographs of streets in Hanley, and identified features including roads, pavements, lampposts, traffic lights and roundabouts. We spoke about the role of these features and shared our own…

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Image of Sports Day
25 June 2024

Sports Day

We had a fantastic afternoon on Sports Day! We enjoyed competing in the sack race, obstacle course and the sprint. The children showed wonderful determination and great sportsmanship to cheer each other on. Everybody took part and had lots of fun! It was lovely to invite parents in to share the…

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Image of Sharing into equal groups
18 June 2024

Sharing into equal groups

In Maths this week, we have been exploring sharing amounts into equal groups. We learnt that equal means 'the same'. We worked out which numbers we could share equally between two groups, and which we could not. If we had one beanbag left over, we knew that number could not be equally…

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Image of Father's Day cards
14 June 2024

Father's Day cards

We made Father's Day cards for our dads to show our appreciation for all that they do for us. We decorated the front of our card by colouring and sticking, and then wrote a message inside. We are looking forward to giving our cards to our loved ones on Sunday. Happy Father's Day!

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Image of Making pictures using  2D shapes
4 June 2024

Making pictures using 2D shapes

We worked on our spatial reasoning by using 2D shapes to create a picture. We selected, rotated and manipulated shapes to ensure they were in the correct position and orientation when creating a desired image. 

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Image of Making gingerbread men!
24 May 2024

Making gingerbread men!

We had lots of fun making gingerbread men using the ingredients we bought from Lidl. We carefully measured out the ingredients before mixing them together and rolling the mixture. We then used a cutter to cut out our gingerbread men shapes and baked the gingerbread men in the oven for 20 minutes.…

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Image of Building a bridge for the Three Billy Goats
26 April 2024

Building a bridge for the Three Billy Goats

We worked in teams and used materials including paper cups, lollipop sticks and straws to construct a bridge for the Three Billy Goats. Our objective was to build a bridge that would enable the Three Billy Goats to cross the river and reach the fresh, green grass on the other side! We enjoyed…

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Image of Creating the Three Little Pigs' houses using different materials
19 April 2024

Creating the Three Little Pigs' houses using different materials

We used different materials from the story 'The Three Little Pigs' to create our own houses. We used our knowledge of the story to collage the three houses built by the Three Little Pigs - straw, sticks and bricks. After creating our artwork, we enjoyed discussing the suitability of each material…

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Image of Designing a house
14 April 2024

Designing a house

We explored different construction materials and discussed which we could use to create a house. We spoke about the properties of the materials and considered their suitability. After this, we drew a plan of our house design. We are looking forward to building our houses next week!

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Image of Observing our caterpillars grow and change
12 April 2024

Observing our caterpillars grow and change

Over the past few weeks we have been observing our class caterpillars grow and change. They have grown from tiny caterpillars to much bigger caterpillars, and then they turned into cocoons! We are excited to report that this week, two beautiful butterflies emerged from the cocoons! We have given…

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Image of Playing the glockenspiels
11 March 2024

Playing the glockenspiels

We enjoyed playing the glockenspiels for the first time this week! We played along to nursery rhymes, first of all matching the rhythm, and then tapping to the beat!

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