6 February 2023


This week we have been looking at our Local community in the past, there is so much we have looked at! We started with discussing the bottle kilns as this was the children's favourite thing to talk about. They loved looking at old images and videos of how the bottle kilns were used and how…

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30 January 2023


After learning all about our local community and what is in the community we moved on to learning about the people who help us in the community. The children have loved talking about the different job roles they already knew from their experiences and learning about new ones. We looked at the…

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23 January 2023


This week we have been learning about our Local community. We have discussed what is in our community and special places to us. The children have loved talking about their homes, local parks and shops that they go with their family. They have been drawing pictures, writing captions and…

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16 January 2023


This week we have began our learning of 'communities', we have started with out school community. We discussed what a community is and how the school has its own community, consisting of the people in the community, the activities we have and special places around the school.

We loved going…

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9 January 2023


This week we have continued our learning of Winter, we went on a winter walk to observe the environmental changes we have discussed in class. We could see some of the signs of winter, such as no leaves on the trees, we saw some evergreen trees and we felt how cold it was! We were wrapped up in…

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Image of 4.1.23
4 January 2023


Welcome back reception class, I hope you all had a wonderful half term and a Happy New Year. I am so proud of the children, they have come back to school with a great attitude to learning and settled back into our routines easily. This week we have loved discussing all of the exciting things we…

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Image of WB 12/12/22
12 December 2022

WB 12/12/22

What a busy week we have had in Duck class. It has been a perfect end to a busy half term and I am so proud of everyone. We have had lots of laughs and happy memories this term and I am already looking forward to next year with you all. I would just like to thank everyone for your continued…

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Image of WB 5/12/22
5 December 2022

WB 5/12/22

This week we have been reading 'The Nativity Story'. The children have been working so hard on their nativity performance and reading the story has helped us to understand the characters and key events in the story. We have learnt that the story belongs to a religion called 'Christianity'. The…

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Image of WB 28/11/22
22 November 2022

WB 28/11/22

This week we have read the story leaf man to end our topic of 'Autumn'. The children have a good knowledge of seasonal changes and celebrations that take place in Autumn. The story has helped us to see the journey of a leaf during Autumn and to recap the environmental changes.

The children have…

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Image of WB 21/11/22
21 November 2022

WB 21/11/22

This week in Duck class we have dived deeper into Autumn and focused on the animals that hibernate. The children showed a big interest in this area and have learnt so much about hibernation. Firstly, we know that hibernation is when the animals go into a deep sleep and the children have been…

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Image of WB 14/11/22
14 November 2022

WB 14/11/22

This week in Duck class we have been learning about Autumn. The children know we are in Autumn and we are learning about the different signs to look for and the changes in our environment. Over the next few weeks we will dive deeper into our topic and exploring hibernation, migration and…

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Image of WB 7/11/22
7 November 2022

WB 7/11/22

This week we have been learning about Bonfire night. We have discussed what activities take place on Bonfire night, why we celebrate bonfire and of course how to be safe on Bonfire night. The children have loved this topic and they have independently engaged with a range of different…

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