Image of Spirals in the Sun
8 September 2023

Spirals in the Sun

Year 1 have thoroughly enjoyed their first art lesson of the year!we learnt about using our whole body to draw, then practised this drawing spirals outside. It was great to see them choosing to work together to create multicoloured spirals too!

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Image of Zentangle Drawing!
21 July 2023

Zentangle Drawing!

Wow, for enrichment morning, we have created some incredible Zentangle patterns. We have enjoyed learning all about these patterns and having a go at drawing our own. I must say we have some very talented artists! 

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Image of Transition Day Art
7 July 2023

Transition Day Art

This week had a lovely time visiting our new teachers. Miss Olenczuk taught us about the artist Bradley Theodore and then we painted our self portraits in his style.

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Image of Set Design
28 June 2023

Set Design

As I’m sure you know we’re gearing yo for our UKS2 production of Ali Baba, as well as acting and singing there is a lot of other work that goes on behind the scenes to ensure the production looks amazing and runs smoothly, today are stage crew have done an absolutely amazing job getting our…

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Image of African Art
22 June 2023

African Art

This week, Nursery impressed us with their fantastic African artwork! We have been thinking about Kenya, Africa and what it would be like to go on holiday here. We talked about the differences between Stoke-on-Trent and Kenya, such as weather, animals, clothing and schools. We then painted our…

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Image of Observational drawing of fruit
21 June 2023

Observational drawing of fruit

This morning we have created our own amazing observational drawings of fruit in Ducks and Swan class. The children looked at real life and images of fruit to create dimension within their painting. We talked about the countries fruit is grown, what the fruit tasted like, and what fruit is our…

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Image of Funky Fingers enjoy the sun!
7 June 2023

Funky Fingers enjoy the sun!

Funky fingers enjoyed the sunshine and created some amazing art work, on our school yard using chalks. Did you spot them?

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Image of Colourful Cubism
26 May 2023

Colourful Cubism

Year 1 have loved learning about Picasso this half term. They have been amazed by his art work and his use of colour to express him emotions. The children have also been fascinated by Picasso's Cubism and even worked on creating their own piece in the same style.

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Image of Never let your past destroy your future…
19 May 2023

Never let your past destroy your future…

What a fantastic Art lesson we have had learning all about the messages behind Banksy’s art. We created our own whole class message and completed our own art work based on that, they were phenomenal!

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Image of Fantastic flower formations!
19 May 2023

Fantastic flower formations!

Year five Dolphin Class had a curiously creative time in their art lesson this week, making £D flowers from a variety of different papers.

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Image of Andy Goldsworthy
16 May 2023

Andy Goldsworthy

This week Nursery are studying the artist Andy Goldsworthy. Yesterday we talked about Andy Goldsworthy and discussed his sculptures, the natural materials that he liked to use, where he produced his artwork and the shapes that we could see in his designs. 
Today we went on a hunt around the…

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Image of Amazing Art!
12 May 2023

Amazing Art!

This week Year 3 have looked at the artist Carl Warner who uses fruit and vegetables in his art work. The children have used this for inspiration and created their still life with different fruit and vegetables. We have been really impressed with the art work produced great work…

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