Image of Number Representation with Fingers to 5
21 February 2024

Number Representation with Fingers to 5

We have learnt the number 5 this week. We sang different number rhymes which gave us the opportunity to show number up to 5 on our fingers. 
The children have become confident with finger representations and loved singing ‘5 Little Ducks’ ‘5 Speckled frogs’. 

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Image of Exploring Our New RolePlay Area
20 February 2024

Exploring Our New RolePlay Area

This week we were introduced to a new role play area. The children recognised the logo straight away. “It’s Aldi”. 
They have loved using the trolleys, baskets and different props to support their play. They have created narratives collaboratively and acting out their experiences. It has been…

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Image of Target Throwing
19 February 2024

Target Throwing

In PE we have moved on to learning ball skills. The children have began with ‘throwing’. We learnt how to use an underarm throw and practised throwing a bean bag into a target. 
we moved the hoop closer for support and further away when we began to challenge our selfs. 
we had so much fun and…

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Image of Dancing!
8 February 2024


In PE we have been taking part in dancing. 

This week we loved learning dance moves and adding these to music. We started with warming up to a familiar dance, following the actions as best as we could. We then took some of these moves and made our own sequence. We added music and danced. 

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Image of Our First Trip!
25 January 2024

Our First Trip!

Nursey had their first school trip this week and what an amazing time we had!

I just want to say how proud I am of the children, their behaviour and attitude on the trip were brilliant and they were very sensible and safe. 

We had the best time going on the minibus to the park and then…

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Image of Toys From The Past
17 January 2024

Toys From The Past

We have learnt about the past! I know the past is something that has already happened. 

We have enjoyed learning about different toys that children used in the past. We have been looking at they toys and exploring how to use them, our favourite was the jack in the box! We looked at the…

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Image of Winter is Here!
16 January 2024

Winter is Here!

This week we have been very lucky to have snow! The children were super excited to tell me what they saw on the way to school. We discussed as a class that we have moved into a new season - Winter. We talked and looked at images of different signs to look out for. We then went to explore our…

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Image of More and Less
16 January 2024

More and Less

In maths this week the children have been identifying 'more' and 'less' between groups. We used objects, pictures and numbers to develop and expand our knowledge. The children have then challenged themselves by changing amounts to make 'more' or 'less'. 

We were super at using the correct…

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Image of Our First Week Back!
12 January 2024

Our First Week Back!

It has been a great first week back, it has been lovely to hear all about the children's break and what they have been getting up to. This week we have been settling back into our routines and recapping learning from last term. 

In maths we have been looking at numbers 0-4, we have recognised…

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Image of Orienteering experts
13 December 2023

Orienteering experts

Year 6 used instructions with directional vocabulary to move their sightless teammates to a chosen location.

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Image of EAD AL - Creating outfits from different materials
8 December 2023

EAD AL - Creating outfits from different materials

This week we have been learning all about weddings. The children through the week have looked at traditions and how different religions and cultures celebrate a wedding.
In Design and Technology this week we have used a range of different materials to create our own wedding outfits. 

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Image of Sorting by Shape
30 November 2023

Sorting by Shape

The children have been learning all about shapes this week. We have been focusing on sorting  simple 2D shapes into groups. The children are focusing on recognising the shapes in different ways such as size and colour but knowing they are still the same shape represented in different ways. They…

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