This week in Maths, we have been learning how to measure and classify angles. Shape is a tricky topic in Y6; however, Y6 have persevered with their learning and showed an excellent understanding of the different types of angles. Well done!
Features of a formal letter!
This week in writing, we have started a new genre. We have explored the features of a formal letter and annotated WAGOLLs on Showbie identifying the different features.
What causes rainbows?
This week in Science, we have considered the question ‘What causes rainbows?’ We found out that rainbows are caused when light travels from one state of matter to another causing the colours of light to separate! We observed this in class too in which we used a prism and torch to make a rainbow.…
Features of a diary entry!
This week in Writing, Y6 have started their brand new text called ‘Wonder’. Y6 are really enjoying this text so far! This week, we have explored the different features of a diary entry and used SHOWBIE to annotate a WAGOLL.
Poetry Tools!
This week in Y6, we have explored poetry. During our features lesson, we explored different ‘Poetry Tools’ poets use to capture the reader’s imagination. Poetry can be really tricky; however, Y6 have shown their determination and excellence to develop a super understanding so far! Well done…
Alternative Event Writing
This week, we have continued to practice a range of skills to prepare us for our independent writes which will be an alternative event based on the text ‘War Horse’. I have been beyond impressed with the writing this week and look forward to reading everybody’s independent…
Fascinating fossils!
This week in Science we learnt all about how fossils can inform us about life that existed many years ago. We considered how fossils support theories of evolution and how they show that simple organisms evolved over time into more complex ones.
Charles Darwin and his finches!
In Science this week, we learnt about Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. We learnt that Darwin had studied finches on the Galápagos Islands and noticed that each island had a different type of finch that had evolved depending on which food was available! We conducted an investigation to explore…
Discursive Writing!
In our Writing lessons this week, we have started a new genre of writing called ‘Discursive Writing’. In one of our lessons we annotated a WAGOLL using our iPads to identify different features of the genre and Y6 produced some brilliantly annotated WAGOLLs! Keep up the good work…
Exploring global ingredients!
This week in DT, Y6 have started a brand new topic entitled ‘Global Food’. This week, we explored and researched different foods from around the globe considering how different foods are prepared and eaten. We really enjoyed this lesson and Y6 are really looking forward to improving their cooking…
Equivalent Fractions!
Last week, we started our new Maths topic of ‘Fractions’. Our first lesson involved finding equivalent fractions and writing fractions in their simplest form. Fractions is a tricky topic in Y6 but we have no doubt Y6 will show their determination and resilience with their fractions…
Wonderful Weaving!
Last week in Latin, we practised weaving which was an important part of Roman culture. Y6 really enjoyed this lesson and produced some amazing weaved patterns!