Developing Fine Motor Skills
This week we have been focusing on developing our fine motor skills. It is important we are constantly exercising our fingers to develop strength in preparation for holding pencils to draw and begin forming letters.
Forest School Fun
We have had an amazing time at forest school. We took part in a variety of activities to help us understand and care for animals and living things in our environment. We explored natural materials and used them to express our ideas and thoughts through art.
We took part in mud painting, leaf…
Our Trip to Pets at Home
In Ducklings we have been learning all about pets. What makes a good pet, what would not make a good pet and how to take care of them. The children have learnt about animals basic needs such as food, water, medicine and their need for care and love.
we had a great time at pets at home because we…
Junk Modelling!
We love junk modelling! We thought about what we would like to build and then independently chose our resources. We thought about where and how to stick them, what shapes may represent my model and enjoyed describing them to our friends.
We had lots of different models such as rockets, cars,…
2D Shapes and their Properties
This week in maths we have used the play dough to make different 2D shapes. We are super confident with their names and we were able to discuss some of their properties. We focused on using words such as ‘curved and straight’. The children could recall how many sides and corners the shapes had and…
Exploring Our New Role Play
This week we have had a new role play area. This has supported our new topic ‘Amazing Animals’. The children have been using the names of the animals and we have been exploring how to care for animals and what they need.
We will be learning further about the care animals need, including…
Animal Textures,
Our new topic this term is ‘Amazing Animals’. We have been looking at different animals this week and talking about their names, what they look like, where they live and if we could have them as a pet or not.
We enjoyed talking about the animals that we have at home and animals that we have seen…
Counting Principles
We have recapped our counting skills.
I am super impressed with our progress and confidence when counting. The children’s determination to reach their goal is amazing. We counted regular and irregular arrangements in different contexts.
Happy Spring
Happy Spring! We hope you enjoyed your cards. We have loved learning about the Season and looking forward to seeing more signs.
We used printing to decorate a rabbit on the front of our card and wrote our names.
Egg Hunt
Today we took part in a whole school egg hunt. We have learnt egg hunts are a traditional activity when celebrating Easter and loved taking part.
Cornflake Cakes
Nursery enjoyed baking cornflake cakes this week. We used lots of different skills such as measuring the correct amount of cornflakes, mixing ingredients and watching them change. We were very impressed watching the chocolate melt when we add heat.
Cornflake cakes are traditionally used at…
Floating and Sinking
Our second experiment of the day shocked us! We made our predictions that the egg would sink when put it in the water and when we tested our ideas we were right, it did sink.
Miss Mayer then gave us water with added salt. This tricked us and the egg floated at the top of the water!