Circuit diagrams!
This week in Science, we have started a brand new topic entitled ‘Electricity’. In our lesson this week, we looked at drawing circuit diagrams using the correct scientific symbols. We even experimented with circuit equipment we have in school to see if we could get a light bulb to light…
What colour is light?
Take a look at some of the amazing Science work produced by Y6 in Science this week. Y6 were tasked with researching light. Specifically, they were asked to research the question ‘What colour is light?’. They have presented their finding beautifully, drawing upon key scientists like Isaac…
Amazing Angles!
Y6 have started a brand new Maths topic this week which explores Geometry. We began by looking at angles in a right angle, straight line and around a point. Later on in the week, we shall be exploring angles in a triangle and other shapes. Geometry in Y6 can be tricky however Y6 are showing…
Super Science Investigating!
Take a look at some super investigating we’ve been doing in Science recently! Yesterday, we investigated shadows, proving that shadows are a similar shape to the object that cast them! Today, we’ve learnt all about refraction and used water, straws and other objects to see how refraction creates…
Imperial War Museum
Year 6 visited the Imperial War Museum after studying ‘War Horse’ in our English lessons. We further extended our knowledge of how animals were helpful in the war effort through an interactive tour of the museum.
Master Puppeteers
Year 6 have worked in teams to brainstorm ideas for their shadow puppet creations. They have considered the scenery, characters and what resources they will enquire to create their performance.
Year 6 citizenship
Year 6 completed their first citizenship task by helping out in another year group. We helped year one to plant flowers, showing friendship, respect and determination in doing so.
Light investigation
Year 6 investigated what happens to their pupil when their eye is exposed to light.
Year 6 completed some art using Zentangle patterns to show the complexities within the human mind as we work towards building resilience when moving from our Red to our Blue head during trickier times.
Performing poetry
Year 6 have been performing their war poetry to the class, showing the Waterside value of courage when reading aloud.
Orienteering experts
Year 6 used instructions with directional vocabulary to move their sightless teammates to a chosen location.
Christmas Jumper Day
Year 6 dressed up in their most wintery, Christmas-style attire to celebrate Christmas Jumper Day!