Remembrance Day
We decorated Poppies to show our respect for Remembrance Day. We took part in a minutes silence and watched a video to help us understand the emotions that people may have felt.
Playground Games
Last week BeeActive came in to play some games with us! We loved joining in and playing with our friends.
Our New Role Play Area
We had a new role play area that we have loved exploring. We have used our personal experiences to take part in ‘shopping’. We are learning new vocabulary, how to create narratives with friends and lots of social skills.
Planting Bulbs
This week we have been helping our environmental parliament to make our school ground bloom. We planted lots of daffodils around the school and can’t wait to see them grow.
Using all Our Senses in Forest School
This week we have been learning all about Autumn. We took part in our first Forest School session with Autumn activities.
We enjoyed leaf threading, mud painting, collaging with natural materials and pumpkin cutting.
We talked about our sea sea and used them for hands on…
Are We All the Same?
Today we used the mirrors to talk about the different features we have. We identified what we looked like such as the colour of our hair, skin and eyes.
We then looked at our partner and discussed what similarities we have, and what differences we have.
We have learnt we all have the similar…
Family Picture Frames
Last week we drew pictures of our families, this week we have been decorating picture frames to put our drawings in.
The children have explored new tools and materials and learnt how to use them such as scissor skills, bingo dabblers, collaging tissue paper and glitter.
They have chosen what…
Our Favourite Books
We have chosen some of our favourite books to read in nursery. We talked about what we like about them, characters and key events in the story.
pit was lovely to hear the children recalling the stories and discussing their interests with friends.
Fine Motor Skills
This week we enjoyed the play dough. We used our fine motor skills to manipulate the dough to make different features of our face. We then talked about our families and the children started to make their family members.
We discussed is everyone the same? What makes us different? Is it ok to be…
Number Blocks
Today we worked in groups to make number blocks! We recapped the numbers 0 and 1, and incorporated our new number 2. The children did super and they can all recognise numbers 0,1 and are recognising 2 with little support.
We worked together to count out cubes and make up numbers within 2, we…
My Family
This week we have been learning all about our families. Who is in our family?
We drew pictures from memory and with the support of some images from home of who is part of our family.
We learnt everybody’s family is different.
Our Emotions
This week we have been learning about our emotions through the story ‘The Colour Monster’. We enjoyed reading the story and hearing about the different emotions we may feel. We talked about what things may make us feel a type of way and how we express our feelings.
We have took part in lots of…