Image of Christmas cards
21 December 2023

Christmas cards

We got creative by making our own Christmas/winter cards this week. We used a sponge to print paint on the front cover, creating the outline of a snowman. We then used glue to add finer details to our design. Inside our cards, we wrote a message to our loved ones. We can't wait to take them home…

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Image of Performing poetry
21 December 2023

Performing poetry

Year 6 have been performing their war poetry to the class, showing the Waterside value of courage when reading aloud.

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Image of Juggling Balls
20 December 2023

Juggling Balls

We enjoyed making our own juggling balls, here are a few examples of the finished products. Well done Year 3! 

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Image of Design and Technology
20 December 2023

Design and Technology

Today we took part in a DT day, with the aim of creating our very own juggling balls. We researched existing products, designed our own patterns and decorated our socks ready to sew. 

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Image of Disco Time!
14 December 2023

Disco Time!

We have been so excited all week for our disco, we dressed up in our party clothes and enjoyed our snacks. We did lots of dancing and lots of singing. 

we spoke about the disco beforehand as this was a great chance to recap our celebrations topic. 

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Image of Number formation
14 December 2023

Number formation

Today the children have been working on their number formation of numbers within 5. They had a go at tracing the numbers and then some children were able to write the numbers independently! We are super at forming our numbers.

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Image of Feature Finders
13 December 2023

Feature Finders

Today we started a new genre! We’re focusing on writing a non-chronological report. We looked at lots of examples and made our own checklist of the features we need to include. 

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Image of Caption writing
13 December 2023

Caption writing

We applied our Phase 2 phonics to write captions. We remembered to try and use a finger space between words, and ensure that our letters are sitting on the line correctly. We are particularly focusing on our ascenders and descenders.

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Image of Painting Patterns!
13 December 2023

Painting Patterns!

In maths this week we have used our fingers to make 1 part patterns with 2 colours of paint. 

We chose our colours and talked about patterns ‘repeating’. 

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Image of Y5 DT Day - Making Soup
13 December 2023

Y5 DT Day - Making Soup

Today we have spent the whole day researching, preparing, making, tasting and evaluating soup! We used onions, leeks, potatoes and carrots! All of these vegetables were sliced up by the children and added to our soup maker resulting in a delicious treat that the children enjoyed, if ever you’re…

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Image of Music in sound pots
13 December 2023

Music in sound pots

This week in sound pots the children were exploring different actions which they could use for the songs they were singing. They really enjoyed using actions to help them remember the words!

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Image of Orienteering experts
13 December 2023

Orienteering experts

Year 6 used instructions with directional vocabulary to move their sightless teammates to a chosen location.

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