Image of Packaging design!
4 October 2024

Packaging design!

This week in Art, we have started to design our packaging for our cereal boxes. The focus of the first week was to draw the key elements of our packing onto the opposite side of our boxes before we add paint and other materials next week. The children worked really hard in this lesson and produced…

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Image of Narrative writing!
25 September 2024

Narrative writing!

This week in Writing, we have started a new genre of writing. We will be preparing to write a third person retell. We started the week looking at the features of a third person retell and then later on in the week we shall be exploring different pieces of vocabulary we could use in our…

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Image of Model of blood!
18 September 2024

Model of blood!

This week in Science, we made a model of the human blood using different materials. We really enjoyed this lesson even though it was a little bit gross!

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Image of Harry Potter!
11 September 2024

Harry Potter!

This half term in Writing Y6 will be studying the book ‘Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone’. This is a fantastic book with some amazing descriptive language. For our first independent write, we shall be writing a setting description of Hogwarts. Y6 are really enjoying this text so far and I…

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Image of Super Science
10 September 2024

Super Science

Year 6 have been busy creating a model heart in our Science lessons this week. As part of our ‘Animals including Humans’ topic, we have shown how the heart pumps blood to other parts of the body using its thick, muscular walls and pressure within the arteries. 

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Image of How to become….. Flow diagram
3 June 2024

How to become….. Flow diagram

Today the children have created a flow diagram detailing the path they may take in order to achieve their future career. We had many aspirations such as; footballers, surgeons, lawyers, gymnasts, cricket players, fashioner designers, an ice cream man and doctors!

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Image of Interviews on a Vanishing
24 May 2024

Interviews on a Vanishing

Today the children have practised their skills in journalism by conducting interviews with Tam and Holly about the disappearance of Varjak, taking on the role of interviewer and interviewee the children came up with lots of questions they could ask each other and thought carefully about how they…

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Image of Life cycle of a bird!
3 May 2024

Life cycle of a bird!

We have had a great time in Science this afternoon as we have created a model to represent the life cycle of a bird.  We then presented them to the class using key vocabulary! 

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Image of 3-D Shapes
30 April 2024

3-D Shapes

Today Y5 have had a hands on lesson examining 3-D shapes and their properties. We have reminded ourselves of their names and also examined the number of vertices, edges and faces they have. The children have then created fact files of these on their tablets that they can look back at later on.

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Image of Funky Favelas!
18 April 2024

Funky Favelas!

Today we have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a favela. Did you know that in favelas there are no sewers or electricity provided! 

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Image of Perfect Planning!
18 April 2024

Perfect Planning!

Today we have planned our first person diary entry ready for when we complete our independent writes next week. We ensured we included the correct Year 5 standards in our plan to really help us when we are writing next week! 

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Image of Science Crest Award
21 March 2024

Science Crest Award

Today Y5 took part in the Science Crest award which saw them taking on a day long challenge to create a handing washing sanitation device. These sort of devices are used in places like Kenya to provide children with clean water and the children in Y5 learnt a lot in terms of STEM as a result of…

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