Image of Hedgehogs!
15 November 2023


We used the leaves we collected last week to use for spikes on our clay hedgehogs.  We knew lots of facts about hedgehogs because we had been learning about them in our English lessons. Ms Barker was very impressed by our knowledge! 

Other activities this week included bug hunting and mud…

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Image of Active or passive voice
6 November 2023

Active or passive voice

Year 6 have learnt about active and passive voice, and the skill of being able to recognise the object, verb and subject in a sentence.

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Image of Listen to your conscience
12 October 2023

Listen to your conscience

Year 6 showed their understanding of Isabella’s thoughts as she breaks a promise made to her best friend, inspired by our class text ‘The Girl of Ink and Stars’.

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Image of Finding evidence in Reading
6 October 2023

Finding evidence in Reading

In our Reading lessons, we have been learning how to agree or disagree with statements finding evidence from the text through skimming and scanning.

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Image of Exploring the woods
28 September 2023

Exploring the woods

Today we explored Trentmill Nature Reserve to help us with our setting description. We described what we say, what we heated and what we felt. 

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Image of Let’s be a bit dramatic
25 September 2023

Let’s be a bit dramatic

Today we have really immersed ourselves into chapter 4 of Rumaysa for our retell, we really wanted to focus on the powerful emotions that are showcased in this chapter as well as understand what we’re actually talking about, such as what a spindle actually is!

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Image of Super setting descriptions
15 September 2023

Super setting descriptions

Sharks class identified features of setting descriptions by text marking and annotating many WAGOLLs before creating our own checklist of an effective setting description.

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Image of Role on the wall
13 July 2023

Role on the wall

In preparation for our last piece of writing, a journalistic report, we brainstormed all we knew about a key eyewitness in the story of ‘Oranges in No Man’s Land’.

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Image of Planning for writing
4 July 2023

Planning for writing

Year 6 have been planning a formal letter. Sharks will be writing as Ayesha, the protagonist from our class text 'Oranges in No-Man's Land', attempting to persuade Dr Leila to provide medicine for her sick Grandma. The children have considered the main plot and shown their understanding in…

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Image of Deforestation Debate
3 July 2023

Deforestation Debate

We enjoyed using the opinion starters to argue why deforestation is a bad idea. We were very impressed with how many facts we remembered from last week! 

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Image of Feature Magpies
28 June 2023

Feature Magpies

We started a new genre today, a persuasive letter. We looked at examples and found the features, discussing what they mean. We did a great job! 

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Image of Finding the skills
27 June 2023

Finding the skills

Today we have begun our new writing journey to create a discursive argument, to begin we have spent the lesson looking at the structure of a discursive argument and how our Y5 skills can be used in one.

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