Cooking rice!
This week in DT we have learnt all about rice! We learnt about why rice is a staple food for dishes around the world and we even learnt how to cook rice! Y6 really enjoyed this lesson and learnt how to cook safely!
Fascinating fossils!
This week in Science we learnt all about how fossils can inform us about life that existed many years ago. We considered how fossils support theories of evolution and how they show that simple organisms evolved over time into more complex ones.
Charles Darwin and his finches!
In Science this week, we learnt about Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. We learnt that Darwin had studied finches on the Galápagos Islands and noticed that each island had a different type of finch that had evolved depending on which food was available! We conducted an investigation to explore…
Odd Sock Day!
This week is anti-bullying week and in recognition of this day children came to school wearing odd socks! It was great to see so many children wearing their odd socks!
Discursive Writing!
In our Writing lessons this week, we have started a new genre of writing called ‘Discursive Writing’. In one of our lessons we annotated a WAGOLL using our iPads to identify different features of the genre and Y6 produced some brilliantly annotated WAGOLLs! Keep up the good work…
Exploring global ingredients!
This week in DT, Y6 have started a brand new topic entitled ‘Global Food’. This week, we explored and researched different foods from around the globe considering how different foods are prepared and eaten. We really enjoyed this lesson and Y6 are really looking forward to improving their cooking…
Equivalent Fractions!
Last week, we started our new Maths topic of ‘Fractions’. Our first lesson involved finding equivalent fractions and writing fractions in their simplest form. Fractions is a tricky topic in Y6 but we have no doubt Y6 will show their determination and resilience with their fractions…
Wonderful Weaving!
Last week in Latin, we practised weaving which was an important part of Roman culture. Y6 really enjoyed this lesson and produced some amazing weaved patterns!
Packaging design!
This week in Art, we have started to design our packaging for our cereal boxes. The focus of the first week was to draw the key elements of our packing onto the opposite side of our boxes before we add paint and other materials next week. The children worked really hard in this lesson and produced…
Narrative writing!
This week in Writing, we have started a new genre of writing. We will be preparing to write a third person retell. We started the week looking at the features of a third person retell and then later on in the week we shall be exploring different pieces of vocabulary we could use in our…
This week in Art, we learnt all about typography and applied our understanding to designing each letter of our names! Y6 Whales did a fantastic job of this and produced some really creative pieces of artwork!
Model of blood!
This week in Science, we made a model of the human blood using different materials. We really enjoyed this lesson even though it was a little bit gross!