Dear parents and carers,
As we move towards the close of another school year, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to you for your continued support. We have made fantastic progress again and it has been wonderful to receive so many positive comments from parents, carers and the local and wider community. One measure of the confidence the community has in our school, was the extremely positive feedback given directly to inspectors during our visit from Ofsted. 2019 – will go down in history as the first time Waterside has achieved the top grading of Outstanding. I assure all parents we will be maintaining that grading for a long time!
I am so proud and privileged to lead this school. The teamwork and dedication of staff, no matter what their role, in making sure your child is thriving educationally, socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually is second to none.
At Waterside we are delighted to say that the school will be extended from September 2019. Our current waiting list is vast, and school is proving to be highly popular. Therefore, if you are interested in a nursery place in the future - come and express your interest and we will then come and let you know when the application portal opens.
We are hugely proud of the children who are a real credit to our school and to you as parents and carers.
We have received the Year 6 data, and the outcome in numbers and percentages are above national averages at the national standard and in line for the higher standards. We know that your children have worked so hard – with resilience, good humour and commitment to doing their best. Outstanding teaching in every year group is evident in your children’s success and is testament to their hard work and the skill and dedication of all the staff.
With your support, we have hundreds of pounds for local, national and international charities. In addition, we have been very grateful to the fundraising for the school which helps us buy items for the children from our ‘wish list’. This year’s summer fayre money is being used to help buy some extra books and kindle readers for our pupils…we also have a forest school area being developed over the summer holidays and later in the autumn term for all children to access.
Inevitably, in a large school there are a few staff changes for next year. As previously shared, sadly we will be saying goodbye to Miss Smith and Miss Roberts this term. Miss Smith is relocating to Cardiff and Miss Roberts will be spending more time on her young family. Miss Roberts will be back at Waterside one day a week, so it is not goodbye forever. Miss Booth will be on maternity leave from October next year as she awaits the birth of her first child. We are delighted that Miss Curtis will be taking over from October, they will be team teaching from September.
We wish all the very best to staff leaving us and thank them for their commitment to the school and their relentless focus on making sure your children have the very best education. They will be missed.
We also wish our Year 6 pupils all the very best for a bright and successful future – we hope they look back at their time at Waterside with fondness and happy memories.
For our wonderful, talented, smart and kind Year 6…
You are near the end of your primary school journey at Waterside
You’ve learnt so much more than fronted adverbial phrases and how to answer 3-mark questions
You’ve learnt about the past – The Egyptians, The Romans and Florence Nightingale
You’ve learnt about volcanoes, continents, Aboriginal art and map co-ordinates
You’ve learnt how to organise and referee games on ‘the field’
You’ve learnt how to carry out a fair test in science and how to use pastels in art
But beyond the skills and knowledge set out in the curriculum plans, you’ve learnt life skills
Skills to help you through life when you walk out of our doors this Friday
You’ve learnt to live our school values
You’ve learnt to tie shoelaces
You’ve learnt to tidy up your mess…usually!
You’ve learnt how to make friends
You’ve learnt how to make up when things go wrong
You’ve learnt the importance of manners, holding doors open, saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’
You’ve learnt how to look after your property and organise yourself
You have learnt that hard work and, resilience in the face of challenges, pays off
You have learnt how to win and how to lose
You have learnt that learning is a journey, not a final destination
You have demonstrated community unity within your class, year group and across the school
You have learnt how to be role models to the younger children and how to do your teachers and parents proud.
Go out into the world and show them what you’ve learnt!
You truly are droplets forever!
For those returning in September, I will see you all as school starts at 8.30 am for Early Readers and 8.50am for all pupils on Tuesday 3rd September 2019. I look forward to seeing our pupils in their smart Waterside Primary School uniform, ready for the challenges of a new academic year and for a year of fantastic, inspirational teaching. I cannot wait!
On behalf of the Waterside Primary School (Droplet) staff, I would like to wish you all an enjoyable and safe summer holiday.
Kind regards
Mrs Joanne Knowles
Head Teacher