Senses Scientists!
In Science we have been learning about our five senses. For this lesson we have used our sense of touch, smell and taste. First we have put our hand into the box and used our sense of touch to explore the mystery items. Then we have used our sense of smell to smell the items in the cup to guess…
Continuous shells
We have created continuous line drawings of shells. We have tried so hard to keep our pen on the page to draw a full shell. It takes patience and concentration!
It’s all about balance!
With Bee Active, we are focusing on balance and the importance of space. We know to find space we need to look with our heads up, scan the area and that we may need to change our direction. We practised balancing in lots of different fun games!
One less!
We have practically worked out what one less of a given number is using the tens frames and the cubes. We made the number that was written on our tens frame, took one cube away and verbally said what one less of the given number is.
Features of Stoke-on-Trent
During Geography, we have used our iPad to record our voice labelling the features of Stoke-on-Trent. The children enjoyed using this new app whilst using our geographical language to complete their task.
One more!
During Maths, we have practically worked out what is one more than a given number. We have used concrete objects and the tens frames to make our given number, add one more to it and watch our number become larger!
This is the bear…
We have begun our new class text called ‘This is the bear and the scary night’
We have enjoyed using actions and phrase to retell the story during our Talk For Writing lesson. Look at the story map we have created together as a class!
Jungle Yoga!
This half term we have Yoga on a Monday. We have practiced lots of different jungle poses and have been building on creating a jungle story using them. We have perfected the parrot, tree and log pose!
Snail Spirals
Our Art topic is spirals! We have previously looked at the work of artist Molly Haslund and we were inspired to create our own spiral art.
Scrambled Sentences!
As we have focussed on sentence structure and the importance of punctuation, we have unscrambled sentences from Goldilocks and the Three Bears to write using finger spaces.
Capital Letters Carousel!
We have been working on the importance of sentence structure to include the correct punctuation. Today we have focused on capital letters - identifying and matching the upper case and lower case letters.
Practical Maths!
This week we have been representing numbers and amounts in a variety of ways. During this lesson Year One represented objects practically using counters or bears in a tens frame.