What a lovely week we have had! This week has seen us beginning to practise our nativity songs ready for our winter production.
This week we have been focusing on writing a 'Missing Poster' for Owl Mother. To begin we identified the features of a missing poster in different examples.…
What a busy week we have had! We have been on our first trip, we have raised awareness of anti-bullying by wearing odd socks and ended the week raising money for Children in Need.
We have continued to write our non-chronoglogical report on Tawny Owls. We focused on using verbs to…
What a wonderful week in Seagulls class!
Everyone has worked extremely hard and had super attitudes to their learning.
This week, we have begun to focus on a new writing genre - non-chronological reports. To begin we looked at the key features of a non-chronological report,…
What a wonderful first with of Autumn 2!
The Seagulls class have come back with super attitudes, ready to learn!
Our value for this half term is friendship. We are going to be learning all about what it means to be a good friend.
In English this week we have started a new text…
In English this week, we have been focusing on writing a retell of the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We focused on the skills of using adjectives and also proper nouns when naming the characters in the story. We broke the story down into the beginning, middle and end to support…
This week the seagulls worked hard to write their setting description of the forest. They made sure to include appropriate adjectives to describe the nouns. They also ensured they had all punctuation required to make a super sentence! Miss Barker and I were extremely proud of the work…
In English, we are focusing on a setting description of the woods from Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We started the week off by going for a walk to Trentmill Nature Park. We used our senses to describe what we could see and hear. We then looked at nouns and adjectives and used our…
In English this week we have been working on writing a character description. Earlier in the week we completed a guided write for Daddy Bear describing both his appearance and personality. We worked to include all the features of a sentence including capital letters, finger spaces and…
This week, we have been working on counting backwards from any given number to 20. The children did really well with this and in order to secure this further we have been playing lots of games during our numbers and patterns daily lessons. We have also been looking at representing numbers…
In year 1 this week, we have been beginning to learn about how to write SUPER SENTANCES!
We started our learning with unscrambling sentences , which helped us to understand that sentences must included all words and make sense! Next, we learnt that all sentences must include…