Image of WC13.03.23
13 March 2023


It has been a super week this week with Red Nose Day on Friday! Thank you so much for your donations, they are going to a fabulous charity! Take a look at this week’s blog to find out what we have been learning about all this week!


In Writing this week, we completed our independent…

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Image of WC06.03.23
6 March 2023


It’s been a cold and snowy week but this hasn’t stopped Y4 Manatees from producing some amazing work. Take a look below at some of our super learning that has been taken place this week!


In Grammar this week, we have focused on apostrophes. This is a particularly tricky skill…

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Image of WC27.02.23
27 February 2023


Welcome back after half term! It has been a very busy week as we have also celebrated 'World Book Day'! Take a look below to find out what we did to celebrate this special day.


In Grammar this week, we completed a word class review. We learnt all about word classes such as…

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Image of WC13.02.23
13 February 2023


The final week of our first Spring term has arrived! This has been an extra special week as we have had our Y4 Science trip to ThinkTank in Birmingham. We had such a lovely day, exploring the museum and developing a curiosity about Science. Take a look at some of the photos we took on Class…

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Image of WC06.02.23
6 February 2023


Take a look below at this weeks blog to see all the fantastic learning that has taken place this week.

On Monday, we didn't have a Grammar lesson as this was our opportunity to edit and revise our independent writes. I was beyond impressed with the standard of writing from Y4 Manatees and…

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Image of WC30.01.23
30 January 2023


This week has certainly gone quickly and yet again we have had a super week in Y4 Manatees! Take a look below at some of our fantastic learning from this week!

In Grammar this week we recapped punctuating fronted adverbials. This was an important lesson as we often use fantastic fronted…

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Image of WC23.01.23
23 January 2023


This week has absolutely flown by! Take a look below at some of our amazing learning from this week!


In Grammar this week we have looked at verb inflections. We learnt how to use 'was' and 'were' in sentences to ensure that we write using Standard English. We discussed how often when…

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Image of WC16.01.23
16 January 2023


It has been another fantastic week in Y4 Manatees. Despite the snow bringing its challenges, as usual Y4 have not let this stop them for producing some amazing work! Take a look below at some of our fantastic learning from this week!


In Grammar this week we have looked at the…

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9 January 2023


We have flown into our second week of our first Spring term despite these dark mornings! Take a look below to see what we have been learning all about this week. 


In Grammar this week we learnt all about informal and formal language. This links well into our Writing lessons in which…

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Image of WC02.01.23
2 January 2023


Welcome back and Happy New Year! We hope that everyone had a superb winter break! It has been great to welcome the children back this week and despite it only been a 3-day week that hasn't stopped Manatees from producing some excellent work. Take a look below, to see what we have been learning…

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Image of WC05.12.22
5 December 2022


After a busy week with NFERs we have begun our week with lots of fantastic work and learning. Also, we have had a surprise visitor this week who has been causing lots of mischief...we are keeping an eye on the Elf each day to see what he does next!


In Grammar this week, we have…

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Image of WC28.11.22
28 November 2022


This week has been an extra busy week as Y4, along with other year groups, have completed their first NFER Assessments for the year. I am so so proud of Y4 Manatees as they have approached their assessments with determination and excellence. They have given these assessments their absolute best…

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